SSB Interview and / or Medical Examination and precommissioning training – Upgradation of class of travel i.r.o. candidates appearing – MoD Order
No. 12630/TA/DA/ Mov C/17/ D(Mov)/2023
Govt of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Military Affairs
Dated, the 27 July 2023
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
1. I am directed to convey the sanction of the Competent Authority to amend the following provisions as contained in the Travel Regulations – 2014:-
192 (3)(a)(i)(a) Civilian candidates called up for interview and / or medical test will be entitled to the following allowances within Indian limits:
(a) One second class single fare for a journey performed by rail or road mileage at the rate laid down in Rule 61 at par with individual drawing grade pay of, Rs 2400/- to Rs 2800/- for journeys performed by road from the normal place of residence to place of interview and / or medical examination and return where Government transport is not provided. Where considered necessary or advisable, – the authority calling up a candidate for interview may issue railway warrant by second class for the journey to be undertaken by the candidate. Such railway te warrants will be issued by the shortest route. No cash TA will be paid in addition.
192(3)(b) Candidates selected to join the National Defence Academy, Khadakvasla, OTA, Chennai / Gaya, IMA, Dehradun and Naval Academy, Kochi will be provided with conveyance as under:
(i) Civilian candidates will be issued with second class warrants, but if this is not possible for want of time, they will travel in second class at their own expense and Claim second class fare on arrival at the destination.
192(4) TA to the extent laid down in clause (3) of this rule will be admissible to the following when called for interview / medical examination:-
(a) Engineering graduates and graduates in agriculture called for permanent / regular commission by Service Selection Board.
(b) Medical graduates for regular commission in AMC.
(c) Dental graduates for regular commission in Army Dental Corps.
(d) Veterinary graduates for permanent / regular commission in RVC.
(e) Cadets of Senior Division of Army Wing of NCC for grant of regular commission in the Army.
(f) Special entry cadets of the Indian Navy, cadets of Senior Division Naval Wing NCC and Dufferin cadets.
(g) Civilian candidates called up for recruitment in the Education Branch of Indian Navy.
(h) Candidates called for interview by Air Force Selection Board.
(j) Candidates for the regular commission in the Military Nursing Services.
192-A The ex-JCOs and their equivalents in the Navy and Air Force when called for interview by Deputy Director General, Defence Security Corps for selection as JCOs in Defence Security Corps will be entitled to:
(a) Free return second class railway warrants within Indian limits.
193 Conveyance to Recruits, Combatants and Non-Combatants (enrolled)
(d) Candidates when called up for interview and medical examination for recruitment as Airman will be entitled to the following TA:
(i) Rail fare by second class from place of residence in India to the place of interview and back. If the placed are not connected by rail, actual bus fare will be admissible.
194 Travelling Allowance to individuals accepted as a candidate for direct commission in the rank of JCO
An individual accepted as a candidate for direct commission in the rank of JCO and ordered to join with a view to his nomination for a direct commission in entitled to 2nd class rail fare from home to the station where the unit is located. Road Mileage. Allowance at prescribed rate is admissible in respect of journeys by road if the placed are not connected by rail.
196 Conveyance to Ordnance Factories Personnel when called for interview / selection
Personnel of the Ordnance Factories, when permitted compete with outsiders for appointments in any posts in the ordinance factories and called for interview by a Selection Committee, will be granted 2nd Class rail fare.
197 Conveyance to Personnel for Scientific / Technical posts in Defence Production / Inspection and R&D Organisation
Candidates called for interview in connection with appointment to Scientific / Technical posts | Establishments / Laboratories under the Defence Producation / Inspection Organisation, Research and Development Organization / Director General of Ordnance factory Organization, will be granted 2nd class railway fare from their normal place of residence to the place of interview and back When return tickets at concessional fare are available under the Railway Rules in force at the time of travel, reimbursement will be restricted to the actual cost of return ticket.
198 Travelling Allowance to Scheduled Castes / Tribes / Disabled Ex-Service Personnel when called up for Interview / Written test for group ‘C’ post
(i) Scheduled Castes / Tribes candidates and disabled ex-Servicemen when called for interview / written tests for appointment to Group ‘C’ advertised posts, recruitment to which is made departmentally i.e. otherwise than through the UPSC., either direct or through employment exchange the recruiting authority may allow such candidates 2nd class rail fares by the shortest route from the Railway Station nearest to their normal place of residence, or from which they normally perform the journey whichever is nearer to the place of interview and back to the same station provides the distance travelled by rail each way exceeds eighty kilometers. No extra charges, if any incurred for reserving seat / sleeping berth in the train will however, be reimbursed to the candidates.
192 (3)(a)(i)(a) Civilian candidates called up for interview and / or medical test will be entitled to the following allowances within Indian limits:
(a) One single fare in First Class / AC-III / AC Chair Car for a journey performed by rail and road mileage at the rate laid down in Rule 61 at par with individual drawing grade pay less than 4200/- (pay level 6 in pay matrix) for journeys performed by road from the normal place of residence to place of interview and / or medical examination and return where Government transport is not provided. Where considered necessary or advisable, the authority calling up a candidate for interview may issue railway warrant by First Class / AC-IIl / AC Chair Gar for the journey to be undertaken by the candidate. Such railway warrants will be issued by the shortest route. No cash TA will be paid in addition.
192(3)(b) Candidates selected to join the National Defence Academy, Khadakvasla, OTA, Chennai / Gaya, IMA, Dehradun and Naval Academy, AK Kochi will be provided with conveyance as under:-
(i) Civilian candidates will be issued with First Class / AC — III / AC Chair Car warrants, but if this is not possible for want of time, they will travel in First Class / AC — III / AC Chair Car at their own expense and claim First Class / AC — III / AC Chair Car fare on arrival at the destination.
192(4) TA in First Class / AC — III / AC Chair Car will be admissible to the following when called for interview / medical examination:-
(a) Engineering graduates and graduates in agriculture called for permanent / regular commission by Service Selection Board.
(b) Medical graduates for regular commission in AMC
(c) Dental graduates for regular commission in Army Dental Corps.
(d) Veterinary graduates for permanent / regular commission in RVC.
(e) Cadets of Senior Division of Army Wing of NCC for grant of regular commission in the Army.
(f) Special entry cadets of the Indian Navy, cadets of Senior Division Naval Wing NCC and Dufferin cadets.
(g) Civilian candidates called up for recruitment in the Education Branch of Indian Navy.
(h) Candidates called for interview by Air Force Selection Board.
(j) Candidates for the regular commission in the Military Nursing Services.
192-A The ex-JCOs and their equivalents in the Navy and Air Force when called for interview by Deputy Director General, Defence Security Corps for selection as JCOs in Defence Security Corps will be entitled to:
(a) Free return First Class / AC — III / AC Chair Car railway warrants within Indian limits.
193 Conveyance to Recruits, Combatants and Non-Combatants (enrolled)
(d) Candidates when called up for interview and medical examination for recruitment as Airman will be entitled to the following TA:
(i) Rail fare by First Class / AC — III / AC Chair Car from place of residence in India to the place of interview and back. If the places are not connected by rail, actual bus fare will be admissible.
194 Travelling Allowance to individuals accepted as a candidate for direct commission in the rank of JCO
An individual accepted as a candidate for direct commission in the rank of JCO and ordered to join with a view to his nomination for a direct commission in entitled to First Class / AC – III / AC Chair Car fare from home to the station where the unit is located. Road Mileage Allowance at prescribed rate is admissible in respect of AY journeys by road if the places are not connected by rail.
196 Conveyance to Ordnance Factories Personnel when called for interview/ selection
Personnel of the Ordnance Factories, when permitted compete with outsiders for appointments in any posts in the ordinance factories and called for interview by a Selection Committee, will be granted First Class / AC — III / AC Chair Car fare.
197 Conveyance to Personnel for Scientific / Technical posts in Defence Production / Inspection and R&D Organisation
Candidates called for interview in connection with appointment to Scientific / Technical posts/ Establishments / Laboratories under the Defence Production / Inspection Organisation, Research and Development Organization / Director General of Ordnance factory Organization, will be granted First Class / AC —III/ AC Chair Car railway fare from their normal place of residence to the place of interview and back. When return tickets at concessional fare are available under the Railway Rules in force at the time of travel, reimbursement will be restricted to the actual cost of return ticket.
198 Travelling Allowance to Scheduled Castes / Tribes / Disabled Ex- Service Personnel when called up for Interview / Written test for group ‘C’ post
(i) Scheduled Castes / Tribes candidates and disabled ex-Servicemen when called for interview / written tests for appointment to Group ‘C’ advertised posts recruitment to which is made departmentally i.e. otherwise than through the UPSC, either direct or through employment exchange the recruiting authority may allow such candidates First Class / AC — III / AC Chair Car rail fares by the shortest route from the Railway Station nearest to their normal place of residence, or from which they normally perform the journey whichever is nearer to the place of interview and back to the same station provides the distance travelled by rail each way exceeds eighty kilometers. No extra charges, if any incurred for reserving seat / sleeping berth in the train will however, be reimbursed to the candidates.
2. This issues with the concurrence of MoD/Finance vide their UO No.9(1)/Fin/QA/2020 Dy No. 206 dated 12 Jun 2023.
(Nagendra Kumar)
Under Secy to the Govt of India

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