MoD approves extension of pension payment for three months for bank pensioners, migrated to SPARSH, whose identification was due in November 2022

Defence Pensioners can Submit Extended Life Certificate till Feb 2023
All defence pensioners who are yet to complete their annual identification are requested to complete their annual identification/ life certification by February 2023 positively to ensure smooth processing and credit of their pension entitlement.
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
MoD approves extension of pension payment for three months for banks’ pensioners, migrated to SPARSH, whose identification was due in November 2022
Posted On: PIB Delhi
Ministry of Defence has approved the extension of pension payment for three months for banks’ pensioners, who migrated to SPARSH, {System for Pension Administration (Raksha)} and whose identification was due in November 2022. It is reiterated that the process of Annual Identification/ Life Certification is a statutory requirement for continued and timely credit of monthly pension. Thus, all defence pensioners who are yet to complete their annual identification are requested to complete their annual identification/ life certification by February 2023 positively to ensure smooth processing and credit of their pension entitlement.
Annual Identification/ Life Certification can be done via the following means:
1. Via the Digital Jeevan Pramaan online/ Jeevan Pramaan Face App for Android Users.
- Details of installation & usage may be found here: JeevanPramaan FaceApp
- SPARSH Pensioner: Please choose Sanctioning Authority as “Defence – PCDA (P) Allahabad” & Disbursing Authority as “SPARSH – PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad”.
2. Pensioners can complete Annual Identification/ Life Certification by logging in and opting for:
- Download & upload Manual Life Certificate (MLC) duly signed by authorized signatory, or
- By selecting Aadhaar based Digital Life Certificate (DLC)
3. Pensioners may also visit for completing their Annual Identification/ Life Certification at nearest Service Centre established at following agencies:
- Common Service Centres (CSCs) – To find your nearest CSC click here:
- Nearest DPDO or Defence Accounts Department Service Centre.
- Service centres established by SBI, PNB, Bank of Baroda, HDFC Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank.
- To locate SPARSH service centres available at Defence Account Department or Banks click here –
4. Legacy Pensioner (pre-2016 Retiree) who has not yet migrated to SPARSH can perform their Life Certification as was being done by them in previous years. For performing life certification through Jeevan Pramaan, they have to select respective Sanctioning Authority as “Defence – Jt.CDA(AF) Subroto Park” or Defence – PCDA (P) Allahabad” or “Defence – PCDA (Navy) Mumbai & Disbursing Authority as your respective pension disbursing bank/ DPDO etc.
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