Scheme for compassionate appointment
F.No.A.12012/ 8/ 2020-Ad.III.B
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs
Gr. Floor, Hudco Vishal Building ,
Bhikaji Cama Place, RK Puram, New Delhi-66,
Dated: 14.12.2020
The All Cadre Controlling Authorities
Under CBIC (through CBIC’s website)
Subject: Scheme for compassionate appointment – Relative merit point & revised procedure for selection / Tie breaking formula – reg.
Sir/ Madam ,
Please refer to Board’s letter F.No.A.12012/52/2018-Ad.III B dated 15th May, 2019 wherein a standard operating procedure based on a 100-point scale was circulated for compassionate appointment to ensure transparency and maintain uniformity and to avoid litigation in the selection process.
2. It has been reported to the Board by one CCA that while applying 100 points scale parameters, as mentioned in SOP, some candidates have equal marks in merit and Cadre Controlling Authority is unable to decide the merit of such The matter of tie of marks secured by some candidates has been deliberated in the Board to resolve such situation.
3. After examination the issue in detail, it has been decided that the tie breaking factor can be per dependent available income i.e. total of first three financial parameters prescribed in SOP (Pension annualised, total terminal benefits and annual income of earning members and income from property) divided by total number of dependants (spouse, parents, dependent married / unmarried / widowed /divorced daughters, dependent minor children of deceased Government Servant OR dependent sister(s)/ brother(s) of an unmarried deceased Government Servant, unmarried major son below 25 years & dependant major sons who are physically / mentally challenged) . The lesser the per dependent available income, the higher the rank amongst the applicants whose scores had a tie.
4. In case of tie even after applying the factor of per dependent available income, then the left-over service of Government Servan t can be This is suggested as it is felt that longer the left-over service of the deceased, the more is the impact on the family. Applicants related to Government servant with higher left-over service would be considered over the one with lesser left-over service. In case of tie even then, the next factor can be No. of physically /mentally challenged dependents & unmarried /divorced daughter(s). In case of tie even then, the next factor can be age of the applicant, with elder applicants given preference.
Reservation in Appointment on Compassionate Ground Group ‘C’ posts

5. The tie breaking factor(s) in the order indicated above, should be used only to decide relative merit of the applicants scoring same points on 100-point scale and only if the applicants scoring same points cannot be accommodated against available All the above details are already included in the SOP and hence would be readily available with CCAs in case of a tie.
6. Apart from this while deciding the tie breaking factors as mentioned in the preceding paras, based on suggestions received from some Cadre Controlling Authorities, the entries made at point N 7 & 8 in 100-point scale of SOP issued vide letter No. A.12012 / 52/ 2018- Ad.IIIB dated 15.09.2019 shall be substituted by the following entries;
(7) ”Dependent married / unmarried / widowed / divorced daughters of deceased Government Servant”
SI.No. | No. of dependent married / unmarried/ widowed / divorced daughters of deceased Government Servant | Weightage points |
1 | 01 | 05 |
2 | 02 & Above | 10 |
(8). “Dependent minor children of deceased Government Servant OR dependent sister(s) / brother(s) of an unmarried deceased Government Servant”
SI.No. | No. of dependent minor children of deceased Government Servant OR dependent sister(s) /brother(s) of an unmarried deceased Government Servant | Weightage points |
1 | 01 | 05 |
2 | 02 & Above | 10 |
7. The other contents mentioned in original SOP issued vide letter A.12012 / 52 / 2018-Ad.IIIB dated 15.05.2019 will remain unchanged. Henceforth, all the concerned are advised to strictly follow weightage points system keeping in view instructions of DoPT & Board issued from time to time.
8. This issued with the approval of Chairman (CBIC).
Yours faithfully,
(Mohammad Ashif)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: CBIC
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