Festival Advance to all Pensioners
13-C Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi.110 001
Dated: 24/10/2020
Ms. Nirmala Seetharaman
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
Govt. of India, North Block,
New Delhi. 110 001.
Dear Madam,
Sub: Request for festival grant or advance.
As you are aware the Pandemic Covid 19 is spreading unabated, contrary to our expectation. Since both the preventive and curative remedies are yet to be in operation, the situation is likely to get worsened in the days to come. The number of people already affected and the number of persons died in our country due to the disease are alarming. Most of the deaths are reported to be of persons beyond the age of 60.
FinMin Order – Grant of Festival Advance to Central Government Employees

Life is made more difficult for the Pensioners and Family Pensioners as their physical movement is restricted and that financially they are suffering more than many others. In this situation, we have seen a welcome move that the Government of India has relaxed the condition as a one-time measure and granted Festival Advance to the Government Employees. Even though it is a recoverable advance, the liquid cash at the hands of employees is no doubt will be of enormous assistance to them.
The Pensioners and Family Pensioners, are placed in a very difficult situation due to the denial of the dearness relief which is to continue up-to 1st July, 2021. The financial burden has increased due to the inflation and phenomenal price rise on essential food items. Considering the dire situation in which the pensioner community is placed, we request that the Central Government may consider a one-time grant of Rs.20,000/- to all Pensioners and Family Pensioners. If the Government finds it difficult to bear this additional financial burden, we request the Government might consider taking into account the fact that the coming months are festival months in our country and grant of one-time recoverable advance of Rs.20,000/- to Pensioners and Rs.10,000/- to Family Pensioners through the Banks or POSB, where they receive the Pension and Family Pension. The Banks and POSBs may be asked to recover the amount in 10 monthly instalments. This Advance should be in addition to any loans the Pensioners and Family Pensioners received from Banks in the past. The Pensioners and Family Pensioners will feel much relieved at this time of financial and mental stress.
Retirement guide for a central government employees
The Government may consider our proposals quickly and render invaluable relief to the community of Pensioners and Family Pensioners.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General
Source: nccpahq.blogspot.com
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