KVS Incentive Awards 2020

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
18 Institutional Area,
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi-1100161
Tele. 011-26858570/26514179(Fax)
File No. 11-E-3060(NIA)/ 2/2020-Estt-111/ 2344-3626
Date: 20.10.2020
The Deputy Commissioner/ Director
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Office/ ZIET
Subject: Incentive Awards of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan 2020- invitation of nominations and guidelines thereof -reg.
With regard to the subject cited above, I am directed to inform you that online nominations for KVS Incentive Awards-2020 are invited, as per the revised scheme and prescribed schedule, from all eligible teaching and non-teaching employees through “Award Portal”.
A wider participation among the teaching/ non-teaching employees of KVS requires wide publicity among the employees to apply for the above said award.
In order to give wider publicity amongst the employees for the above said award, and for the larger number of nominations/ applications for the same, you are requested to instruct the Principals of the KVs employees working under your jurisdiction to make adequate copies available in the staff room, library etc., to display the same at the Notice Board as well as on all other prominent places of Vidyalaya/ office, publicity may also be given through Regional employees/ Teachers WhatsApp group, e-mails, Vidyalaya/ office website, video conferencing with all employees and any other relevant medial. It must also be ensured that the link of the “Award Portal” is available at the Home Page of the websites of all KVs/ your office.
Ensure that the information about this award scheme has been disseminated amongst all employees of the Vidyalaya/ your office. An undertaking to the effect that “the information of the KVS Incentive Award-2020 has been brought in to the notice of all employee of the concerned Vidyalaya/ office” shall be collected by the DC of the Region by dated 24.10.2020.
List of 54 New KV Schools
The sincere and dedicated employees who have contributed really to the noble cause of education and are still making untiring efforts for the betterment of education should be encouraged and motivated to submit their nominations through above said award portal. Kindly do adhere strictly to the time schedule (Annexure-I point No. 2) fixed for each stage of this process.
In this regard the following Annexures are enclosed with this letter; it is requested to go through all guidelines minutely and scrupulously given therein to ensure all necessary actions by concerned ones:
ANNEXURE – I | Revised Scheme of KVS Incentive Awards-2020 |
ANNEXURE – II | Number of Nominations to be sent to National Level Independent Jury for KVS National Incentive Award 2020 by the Regional Offices. |
ANNEXURE -III | Region wise Number of KVS Regional incentive Awards- 2020 |
ANNEXURE – IV | Objective Marking Scheme for the evaluation of nominations for teaching and non-teaching employees according to the set parameters for evaluation 2020. |
ANNEXURE – V | Common Evaluation Sheet for teaching and non-teaching employees for KVS Incentive Awards |
ANNEXURE – VI | Instructions/ Modalities for forwarding of KVS Incentive Awards applications to Regional Offices after checking/ verifications/ completing all necessary entries. |
ANNEXURE – VII | Instructions/ Modalities/ Guidelines for constitution of Independent Jury at Regional Level for Selection of nominations for KVS Incentive Awards and Screening of proposals by the Regional Level committee. |
ANNEXURE – VIII | General instructions to the Applicants. |
ANNEXURE – XI | Standard draft format for CITATION to be written by the Controlling Officer/ Principal for an employee who is applying for KVS Incentive Award |
This issues with the approval of the competent authority of KVS.
Encls: As above
Yours faithfully
Source: KVS
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