After completing six months of service, Central Government Employees who are promoted to the next level and whose promotion pay fixation was completed on January 1 or July 1 will get the next increment.
The next raise will be given to those who had their promotion pay fixed on the annual increment date, which was this year’s first of January, on July 1, 2022.
On 31.7.2018, the Department of Expenditure first issued an order addressing this issue. According to CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 Rule 10.
“It is clarified that in case an employee is promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under the MACP scheme on 1st January or 1st July, where the pay is fixed in the Level applicable to the post on which promotion is made in accordance with the Rule 13 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2016, the first increment in the Level applicable to the post on which promotion is made shall accrue on the following 1st July or 1st January, as the case may be, provided a period of 6 months’ qualifying service is strictly fulfilled. The next increment thereafter shall, however, accrue only after completion of one year.“

Next Increment after Promotion Under Rule 10 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016
However, due to the order’s ambiguity, many departments have struggled to implement it. Many departments requested clarification regarding the validity of the decree dated 31.7.2018. The DoE later offered clarification on November 28, 2019, stating that the first increase following a promotion must be given upon the completion of six months of service if pay fixation for a promotion is done on the annual increment date.
Therefore, this Clarification
- Whether the date of the following increase will be January 1 or July 1 after a promotion on July 1 and the fixation of pay with two increments.
- Accrual of next increment in the event that an employee receives a regular promotion or financial upgrade on a date other than the date of the yearly increment and exercises their right to pay fixing under FR 22(1)(a) (1).
In the above case he may be allowed the 1st increment in promotional grade on 1st January/ 1st July as the case may be after completion of 6 months’ qualifying service after such fixation on 1st July/1st January (i.e., the date of increment in lower grade) on the analogy of Department of Expenditure’s OM dated 31.07.2018. The next increment, thereafter, shall however, accrue only after the completion of one year.
Therefore, it should be ensured that the next increase is granted on July 1, 2022, if any government employee whose DNI was on January 1 had their Promotion pay fixed on that date in 2022.
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