Latest MACP orders from DoPT

We have here listed some important orders published by DoPT on MODIFIED ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION SCHEME (MACP) for Central Government Employees … MACP FOR THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES
DoPT Orders on MACP
latest MACP orders 2020, latest dopt orders on MACP, MACP circulars 2020, dopt latest orders MACP, macp court judgement, supreme court judgement on macp implementation, important judgement on macp,
Latest MACP orders from DoPT
- Grant of MACP and subsequent recovery, if any in respect of the officials who were granted MACP ignoring the promotion to OS/Steno Grade-I after 01.01.2006 August 6, 2023Read more…
- National Holiday Allowance (NHA) to those non-gazetted employees who are getting higher pay level under MACPS August 3, 2023Read more…
- Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to Guards June 17, 2023Read more…
- Payment of National Holiday Allowance (NHA) to the Group C non-gazetted Railway employees who are getting higher pay level beyond Level-8 under MACPS April 9, 2023Read more…
- Implement MACP w.e.f. 1st January 2006 and grant increment on 1st July who retired on 30th June January 20, 2023Read more…
- MACP/ACP Scheme instructions employee will move to immediate next Pay Level in the new Pay Matrix December 31, 2022Read more…
- Grant of 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years of service to Artisan Staff September 25, 2022Read more…
- MACP Scheme is applicable with effect from 1.9.2008 to financial upgradation equivalent to the immediate next grade pay Supreme Court Judgement August 25, 2022Read more…
- 6th CPC implementation of MACP w.e.f 1st January 2006 with DoPT as it will give relief to pensioners retiring in the intervening period May 3, 2022Read more…
- Fixation of Pay on promotion/NFS of PSs of CSSS on or after 1.1.2016 who have already availed pay fixation and increment under MACP – DoPT April 1, 2022Read more…
- Employees are unable to claim the ACP scheme over the MACP scheme since it is superior – Supreme Court March 14, 2022Read more…
- Grant of National Holiday Allowance (NHA) to those non-gazetted employees who are getting higher pay level under MACPS February 7, 2022Read more…
- Supreme Court Judgment – MACP in Next Grade Pay from PB-2 GP 5400 to PB-3 GP 5400 only and no recovery of the difference in pension February 4, 2022Read more…
- Extension of Annual increment to the Central Government Employees on January and July from 01-01-2006 as a special case for settling an outstanding 6th CPC anomaly February 3, 2022Read more…
- Waiver of recovery on account of withdrawal of 3rd MACP in the GP of Rs.6600/- granted to various officers January 27, 2022Read more…
- Whether a PGT Master of Sainik School is eligible for Grade Pay of Rs 7600 on grant of 3rd MACP upgradation or not? January 12, 2022Read more…
- 7th CPC Clarification related to grant of financial upgradation under MACP scheme December 3, 2021Read more…
- Latest DOPT orders on pay fixation on promotion grant of NFSG in respect of officials who are granted the benefit under MACP Scheme November 12, 2021Read more…
- Date of next increment clarification after pay fixation on regular Promotion granted subsequent to financial upgradation under MACP Scheme October 1, 2021Read more…
- DoP Orders on MACP dated 04.11.2013 in respect of MTS and Postman employees have not been implemented September 30, 2021Read more…
- Financial upgradation under ACP Scheme – No order for grant of MACP to IP/ASP by ignoring the promotion to ASP cadre September 23, 2021Read more…
- Dopt order regarding MACP Clarification September 11, 2021Read more…
- Fixation of Pay on Regular Promotion and NFSG under MACP Scheme DoPT Order September 8, 2021Read more…
- Grant of Financial upgradation to Railway Station Master under MACP Scheme in compliance to RBE-26/2020 and RBE-8 1/2020 September 3, 2021Read more…
- Latest clarification on MACP Scheme on reckoning APARs July 26, 2021Read more…
- Latest clarification on MACP Scheme counting of service rendered by Inspectors on notional basis for the purpose of MACP Scheme July 19, 2021Read more…
- Supreme Court Order delaying the effective date of the MACP Scheme w.e.f. 01.01.2006 July 17, 2021Read more…
- Financial up-gradation under MACPs by neglecting the promotion from Assistant Station Master (ASM) to Station Master (SM) May 28, 2021Read more…
- 7th CPC MACP Scheme for Railway Employees Clarification May 19, 2021Read more…
- Supreme Court Order in SLP regarding benefits in promotional hierarchy under MACP Scheme – DoPT Order April 6, 2021Read more…
- MACP Scheme to Central Government Civil Employees, clarification on approval of recommendations of Screening Committee March 28, 2021Read more…
- Station Masters receive a financial upgradation under the MACP scheme March 25, 2021Read more…
- MACP Clarification 2021 on same grade in promotional hierarchy February 13, 2021Read more…
- Fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion/ grant of NFSG in respect of officials who are already granted the benefits under MACP Scheme – DoPT January 22, 2021Read more…
- Grant of Financial Upgradation under MACP scheme to MTS, CLKs, Staff Car Drivers, Canteen Employees and Asst. Accounts Officers January 6, 2021Read more…
- Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to Railway Station Masters November 25, 2020Read more…
- 7th CPC Pay Matrix – Grade of Rs. 5400 (PB2) i.e. Level 9 of Pay Matrix in case of Assistant Accounts Officer of Defence Accounts Department of MoD November 20, 2020Read more…
- 3rd MACP clarification – regarding Grant of 3rd financial upgradation under MACP Scheme counting from the date of ad-hoc promotion November 19, 2020Read more…
- PCDA – MACP on completion of 10/20/30 Years of Service or 10 years of service after previous promotion: AAOs/ Sr. Auditors/ Auditors/ Clerks/ MTS November 13, 2020Read more…
- Fixation of pay on grant of benefit under MACPS – Extension of the benefit of entry level pay provided in Railway Boards letter dated 12.10.2018 October 22, 2020Read more…
- Benefits under the MACP Scheme from 1.1.2006, as against 1.9.2008, the date provided in the MACP Scheme – Cases pending in High Courts October 5, 2020Read more…
- Extension of MACP Scheme to the Teaching Staff working in Railway Schools Colleges – NFIR October 2, 2020Read more…
- 7th CPC Fixation of Pay on grant of benefit under MACP – Extension of benefit of entry level pay – DoE September 25, 2020Read more…
- DOUBT and CLARIFICATION on MACPS – Central Government Employees News September 20, 2020Read more…
- MACP – Benefit of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion September 12, 2020Read more…
- Grant of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme MACPS to Accounts Officers – CGDA Order August 18, 2020Read more…
- BPMS – Notional pay fixation after currency of Minor penalty is over in case of ACP / MACP August 4, 2020Read more…
- 7th CPC Clarification -Prescribed Benchmark while considering MACPs to Non-Gazetted Staff July 31, 2020Read more…
- MoF – Grant of financial upgradations under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme July 28, 2020Read more…
- Officials, who declined their adhoc promotion will be debarred for promotion to LSG (Postal) cadre June 11, 2020Read more…
- MACP on completion of 10/20/30 Years of Service or 10 years of service after previous promotion: AAOs, Senior Auditor, Adr, Clerk, MTS May 25, 2020Read more…
- Grant of 3rd MACP in the grade pay of Rs.6600 – Filing Transfer Petitions before the Hon’ble CAT, PB, New Delhi May 15, 2020Read more…
- Latest clarification on MACP scheme – Financial upgradation, to Junior Cashier promoted from the post of Senior Shroff / JAA / Senior clerk March 6, 2020Read more…
- Whether MACP scheme entitles financial upgradation of pay to the next grade pay or to the grade pay of the next promotional post as envisaged under the ACP scheme March 6, 2020Read more…
- MACP to Central Government Civil Employees, clarification for constitution of Screening Committee – DoP February 11, 2020Read more…
- MACP ON PROMOTIONAL HIERARCHY – MACP Supreme Court Order – Heard & Reserved – Order dated 23 Jan 2020 January 24, 2020Read more…
- Over payments made to DAD employees on account of wrong pay fixation granting the benefit of financial up gradation under ACP/MACP scheme January 7, 2020Read more…
- Ignore the promotion received for MACP purposes by the post bearing the same Grade Pay: CAT Chandigarh November 20, 2019Read more…
- Latest MACP News – Grant of financial up gradations under MACPS upto 30.09.2020 November 10, 2019Read more…
- Court Cases – Grant of 3rd financial upgradation under MACP scheme to superintendents October 30, 2019Read more…
- 7th CPC latest clarification on MACP scheme – 7th CPC MACP Rules and Regulations – Latest Dopt order October 28, 2019Read more…
- Sanction of III MACP in Grade Pay Rs.4600 to the MCM (Master Craftsmen) October 1, 2019Read more…
- Deletion of MACP grant notice from 01.01.2006 rather than 01.09.2008 – High Court Order September 17, 2019Read more…
- Fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion / grant of NFSG in respect of officials who are already granted the benefit under MACP Scheme August 28, 2019Read more…
- Extending the benefit of financial upgradation under MACPS to Railway School Teachers June 27, 2019Read more…
- MACP – Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the Railways Employees May 30, 2019Read more…
- MACP – Financial upgradation under MACPS to the staff joined on request transfer in lower post-correct implementation of extant orders May 24, 2019Read more…
- MACPs – Grant of First/ Second / Third Financial Up-gradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme to MTS/ CLKs May 20, 2019Read more…
- Delhi High Court Order – MACP is effective from 1.1.2006 as per 6th Pay Commission recommendation, as it forms part of Pay and NOT allowances May 15, 2019Read more…
- Department of Telecommunications – MACPS for the Central Government Civilian Employees May 8, 2019Read more…
- MoD – Fixation of pay on Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) from the date of next increment (DNI) May 3, 2019Read more…
- Reckoning Grade Pay Rs.4200/- Level 6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix as entry Grade Pay for granting financial upgradation under MACPS to Station Master Category in Railways April 11, 2019Read more…
- Clarification on applicability of Very Good benchmark for financial upgradation under MACPS and consideration of Good benchmark for the previous years before 25.07.2016 March 14, 2019Read more…
- Fixation of pay of the employees who got promoted to the post of higher Pay level after being granted the benefit of pay fixation on grant of financial upgradation under MACPS February 26, 2019Read more…
- MACP guidance as per recommendations of the 7th CPC January 17, 2019Read more…
- Not feasible to extend the Benefits of MACP during Jan to Aug 2008 January 11, 2019Read more…
- 7th CPC MACP Anomalies- NFIR December 28, 2018Read more…
- Grant of Non Functional Grade Pay Rs. 5400 to Inspectors under ACP/MACP Scheme – CBDT December 9, 2018Read more…
- BOMBAY High Court Judgment dated 15-10-2018 on MACPs October 19, 2018Read more…
- Discrimination in granting Grade Pay on Grant of Financial Benefits under M.A.C.P. – Violation of Government Order October 11, 2018Read more…
- Option for Fixation of Pay on MACPS – Finmin Orders dt.18.6.2018 October 5, 2018Read more…
- Availability of option for fixation of pay on MACPS from the date of next increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of fixation of pay from DNI, if opted for, in context of CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 October 5, 2018Read more…
- Re-circulation of orders of DoP&T about availability of option for fixation of pay on MACPS October 4, 2018Read more…
- MACP Option for Fixation of Pay on Promotion from DNI – Clarification order issued by Railway Board September 21, 2018Read more…
- Availability of option for fixation of pay on MACPS from the date of next increment in the lower post September 20, 2018Read more…
- Grant of financial upgradation under ACP & MACP Schemes for the Central Government Civilian Employees including Railway employees August 22, 2018Read more…
- Implement the MACP Scheme from 01.01.2006: NCJCM writes to DoPT August 13, 2018Read more…
- Benefits of MACPs w.e.f. 1.1.2006 – Supreme Court Judgement August 13, 2018Read more…
- Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for PBOR of Army July 28, 2018Read more…
- Benchmark for financial upgradation under MACP clarification July 13, 2018Read more…
- Modified Assured Carrier Progression Scheme (MACPS) to Central Government employees w.e.f. 01.09.2008 – clarification on counting of pre-appointment training w.r.t. Para 9 of MACPS guidelines July 10, 2018Read more…
- MACP Scheme in 7th CPC – Enhancement of benchmark from “Good” to “Very Good” : CAG Circular July 9, 2018Read more…
- Rectification of MACPS Anomalies – Stepping up of pay of Senior incumbents at par with Juniors – Case of Railway Accounts Department July 2, 2018Read more…
- Grant of Grade Pay Rs.6600/PB-3 to Nursing personnel i.e. staff Nurses/Nursing Sister/Matron/Chief Matron under 3rd MACP June 21, 2018Read more…
- MACP – Grant of financial upgradations under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme June 6, 2018Read more…
- Application of “Very Good” bench mark for grant of Financial upgradation under MACPS May 30, 2018Read more…
- OFB: Clarification regarding ACP/MACP May 7, 2018Read more…