Kendriya Vidyalaya School Admission 2021-22
KV School Admission Documents 2021-2022

Documents required for Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission 2021
What type of documents needed while applying online for Class 1 in KVS?
KVS Proof of age Certificate and KVS Birth Certificate
For Class I, certificate of proof of age in the form of a birth certificate issued by the authority competent to register births. This will include certificates from Notified Area Council / Municipality / Municipal Corporation extract about the date of birth from records of Village Panchayat, Military Hospital and service records of Defence personnel.
For other classes, the date of birth recorded in the transfer certificate issued by a school recognized by the State Education Department would be accepted. The original certificate of date of birth should be returned to the parent after verification. Admissions up to class-VIII may be granted without any school transfer certificate provided the child is otherwise eligible and his birth certificate has been issued by a Govt. body.
KVS Proof of Relationship Certificate
For grandchildren of Hon’ble Member of Parliament and PSU employee, a proof of relationship of either of the child’s parents with the Hon’ble Member of Parliament or PSU employees would be needed.
For grandchildren of KVS employees, proof of the relationship of either of the child’s parents with the KVS employee (serving or retired) would be required.
KVS Proof of SC/ST Certificate
A certificate that the child belongs to the Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/ EWS/ OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/ BPL wherever applicable, issued by the competent authority in concerned State Government/Union Government. The certificate in respect of either of the parents may be accepted initially, for the purpose of admission, if this certificate is not available for the child. However, the certificate in respect of the child has to be submitted within a period of 03 months from the date of admission.
KVS Proof of Handicapped Certificate
A certificate from the civil surgeon/rehabilitation centre or any other competent authority defined by the Government of India O.M. No. 36035/5/88/Estt. (sct) dated 4.5.1999 certifying the child to be handicapped, wherever applicable. In case, where the handicap of the child can be visually seen by the Principal, the child may be accepted as handicapped even without a certificate. However, the parent may be advised to obtain the relevant certificate from the competent authority and submit the same to the school.
KVS Proof of Service Certificate
A service certificate showing the number of transfers during the preceding 7 years duly signed and stamped by the head of the office bearing the name, designation and other relevant particulars in block letters.
- A certificate of retirement for uniformed Defence employees.
- Proof of Residence
- Proof of Single Girl Child Proof affidavit Certificate
KVS Certificate Type Download PDF Format
- KVS Admission Self Declaration Distance Between School & Residence
- KVS Admission Service Certificate Central Government
- KVS Admission Format Service Certificate State Government
- KVS Admission Affidavit for Single Girl Child
- KVS Admission Died In Harness Certificate
- KVS Admission Transfer Certificate
Address Proof Certificate – Distance Proof Certificate for KV Admission
The details of the residence of parents of children should be submitted in the online application form as follows:
- Country of Residence
- State of Residence
- City of Residence
- Residential Address
- Pin code of Residence
- Telephone Number of Residence
Distance of KV School from Residence
This will appear as a mandatory field in the form only for those who are applying in RTE category.
Major cities and urban areas (all-district Headquarters & metros): 5 km radius from Vidyalaya
Places and areas other than included in above: 8 km radius from Vidyalaya
If a child is offered provisional admission by a Vidyalaya in RTE category, proof of residence will have to be produced at the time of admission. However, admission cannot be denied due to non-submission of valid proof of residence.
Self Declaration Letter for Residence Proof
Self Declaration for the distance between school and residence
I …………………………………… father/mother of …………………………………………. bearing Application Submission Code ………………………………………declare that the radial distance between the school and our residence is ………………………….km.
Date: ……………………………
Signature of the parent
Documents Required for KVS Admission
- Service Central Certificate
- Acceptance Letter Format
- Residence Proof Certificate
- Single Girl Child Certificate
- Transfer Certificate
- Died in Harness Certificate
- OBC Caste certificate
- Service State Certificate
- Option Form Class 11