Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers
Ref: CONFD/ NS/2020-21
Dated – 29.06.2020
The National Secretariat Meeting of Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers was held on 28.06.2020 through Video Conference. Com. Ravindran B. Nair presided. About 21 office bearers attended. Senior leaders Com. K. K. N. Kutty and M. Krishnan were present.
Before Commencement of the meeting, one minutes silence was observed paying homage to the Jawans who were martyred on the India-China border and also to the departed leaders.
Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, presented a brief report on the agenda items and also about the activities taken place during the period after the Nagpur national Conference. Thereafter the agenda items were taken for discussion. Detailed discussion took place on all agenda items. Many other issues faced by the Central Government Employees, especially COVID-19 related issues, were also discussed.
Also check: No DA/DR to Central Government employees till July 2021
The following decisions are taken.
Review of the 26th National Conference held at Nagpur
The Conference was well organised and the arrangements made were excellent. About 36 affiliates and 13 state level COCs attended. 213 delegates and 13 visitors attended (Male – 238, Female-18). The Conference was jointly inaugurated by Com. Tapan Sen (General Secretary, CITU) and Com. Amarjeet Kaur (General Secretary, AITUC). The National Secretariat congratulated the COC, Vidarbha Region, Nagpur under the leadership of Com. Nilesh D. Nasare, for making best arrangements for the successful conducting of the meeting.
Setting up of a committee for finalisation of Accounts for the period from 2016 to 2019.
Secretary General reported that the Accounts for the period from 2016 April to 2019 March could not be presented in the national Conference, as the then Financial Secretary, Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee, had not attended the Conference. Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee has emailed the Receipt and Expenditute statements for the period from 2016 to 2019 to the then President. Com. K. K. N. Kutty on 7th February 2020. As it was not signed by the Financial Secretary nor it was audited, the Conference decided to appoint a committee of incoming office bearers and outgoing President and Secretary General. The Conference further decided that after finalisation of the accounts, it should be audited by the internal auditor of Confederation and presented before the National Council for adoption. Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, reported that he had written to Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Ex-Financial Secretary to hand over the accounts alongwith all connected documents to him. But no reply was received. He has also contacted Com Vrigu Bhattacharjee over phone and requested to hand over the accounts. But, Com. Vrigu Bhattachajee was reluctant to hand over the accounts to the newly elected Secretary General. The issue was discussed at length in the National Secretariat and following decisions are taken.
- Secretary General, Confederation, shall write another letter to Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Ex-Financial Secretary, to handover the accounts from the period from April 2016 to January 2020 along with all connected records, citing the decision of the national Secretariat held on 28.06.2020.
- If Com. Vrigu Bhatacharjee, Ex-Financial Secretary, still refuse to handover the Accounts to the Secretary General, then the Secretary General Shall circulate the skeleton of Accounts sent by Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee to Ex-President on 07.02.2020, which is not signed by the Financial Secretary nor it is audited, to all National Executive Committee members to verify whether there is any discrepancies in the accounts. After getting reply from national Executive Committee members, the accounts will be finalised by a Committee of following office bearers, for presentation in the next National Executive Committee meeting to be convened by Video Conference.
Committee Members
- Com. Ravindran B. Nair, President, Confederation
- Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General
- Com. S. B. Yadav, Financial Secretary
- Com. K. K. N. Kutty, Vice President & Ex-President
- Com. M. Krishnan, Vice President & Ex-Secretary General
The National Secretariat decided that after completing the above formalities, the Accounts should be presented before the National Executive Committee meeting by not later than 15.08.2020.
Financial review and strengthening of funds position
After detailed discussion it is decided that the Secretary General and Financial Secretary shall issue notice to all affiliates and COCs directing them to remit up to date quota and to clear all arrears of quota and dues within one month. The Financial position will be further reviewed in the next national Executive meeting to be held before 15.08.2020.
Freezing of DA and DR and other related issues.
Charter of demands of Confederation.
Both the above agenda items were discussed together. It is decided that protest programmes should be organised, exclusively on Central Govt. Employees demands, by Confederation. In the revised Charter of demands adopted by the Nagpur National Conference, the following demands are to be added.
- Withdraw the orders, freezing the DA and impounding of arrears of Central Govt. Employees & Pensioners till June 30th 2021.
- Stop the unjustified increasing of prices of Petrol and diesel. Reduce the price by reducing the excise duty by Central Government.
- Settle all COVID-19 related issues pertaining to the Central Govt. Employees (detailed note will be attached). Treat the period of absence during lockdown as duty. Grant wages to casual, part-time, contingent and contract workers including daily-rated mazdoors, during the lock-down period. (It is reported that in Tamilandu Postal Circle no wages are paid during lockdown period to Casual/ Contract workers inspite of Finance Ministry & DOP orders.)
Secretary General and President is authorised to re-draft the Charter of demands and Circulate among all National Secretariat member for approval before publishing in website. The date of the protest programme is to be decided by President and Secretary General, preferably in the 3rd or 4th Week of July 2020. Next phase of programme will be decided by the National Executive Committee meeting to be held before 15.08.2020.
Also read: Clarification on regarding of Absence during COVID-19 Lockdown period
Organizational Review
The National Secretariat felt that the disruptive activities initiated by the Ex-Financial Secretary has not affected the overall functioning of Confederation. Efforts are to be made to sort out the issues and to bring back the misguided comrades and to further strengthen the functioning of all affiliated organisations and COCs. It is decided that indiscipline and anti-organisational activities from any corner should not be compromised or tolerated.
Date of next National Executive Committee meeting
The meeting authorised President and Secretary General to fix and notify the date of next National Executive meeting by not later than 15.08.2020.
Central Trade Unions Programme on 03.07.2020
The meeting decided to organise the protest programme against the anti-people and anti-worker policies of the Central Government at all important Centres on 03.07.2020. The Central TUs has included the DA freeze and impounding of arrears as one of the main demands. All affiliates and COCs are requested to ensure participation of Central Govt. Employees in the joint protest programmes of Central Trade Unions.
It is decided to prepare a detailed note on the present situation and the issues faced by the Central Govt. Employees for wide circulation among Central Govt. Employees through Websites and Social media. Com. K. K. N. Kutty, Vice President will prepare the draft.
The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General.
Fraternally yours,
(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Source : Confederation
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