Railway Nursing Staff
Ministry of Railways (रेल मंत्रालय)
Railway Board (रेलवे बोर्ड)
File No. PC-VII/2018/ 1/7/5/6(Part)
New Delhi, dated: .10.2024
The General Manager/ CAOs(R),
All Indian Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)
Sub: Revision of rate of ‘two’ additional increments (non-absorbable) granted to Nursing Staff.
Consequent upon implementation of 7th CPC pay structure, there has been number of references from field units inter-alia seeking clarification on continuation /revision of rate ‘two’ additional increments (non-absorbable) granted to eligible Nursing Staff of Railways as per Para – 160 of IREM Vol.I 1989 (revised edition) and Board’s letter RBE No. 33/2012 dated 14.03.2012 (F. No. PC-VI/2010 /I/7/5/1).
2. The issue has been deliberated upon in detail in consultation with concerned directorate(s) taking into account certain recent judgments regarding grant of additional increments (qualification pay) to the nursing staff.
3. Now, it is clarified that the rate of ‘two’ additional increments granted to eligible nursing staff as per Para -160 of IREM Vol.I (Revised Edition – 1989) and as per Board’s letter RBE No. 33/2012 will be revised in terms of 7th CPC pay structure as per the methodology of revision given in Ministry of Health & Family Welfare’s Order No. F. No. Z. 28015/53/2017-N dated 12.11.2020 (copy enclosed as Annexure-l) till such time the relevant provision in IREM will apply. Except revision of rate of ‘additional increments’ there are no other changes in the scheme prevailing in Railways.
Encl. As above
Signed by
Sundeep Pal
Date: 28-10-2024 15:00:46
(Sundeep Pal)
Executive Director (Pay Commission)
Room No. 7/4 Floor,
Railway Board Office, COFMOW Building,
Tilak Bridge, New Delhi

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