FAQs – Indian Air Force Pensioners

Frequently Asked Questions IAF Pensioners
Retiring Pension
Q1. What is minimum qualifying service for full pension of an officer?
Ans: The minimum qualifying service for pension is 20 years for an officer. However there are following exceptions:-
(a) For SSC/ emergency commissioned officers who were selected from other ranks, the minimum qualifying service for pension is 12years.
(b) Those officers who are medically invalidated out of service and whose disability is attributable to or aggravated by service will be eligible for pension consisting of service element and disability element. There is no minimum qualifying service required for that.
(c) Those officers who are medically invalidated out of services and whose disability is neither attributable to nor aggravated by service will be eligible for service element of pension if they have a minimum qualifying service of 10 years or more.
Q2. I am from ranks and I have 14 years of short service commissioned service and 06 years of service in ranks as an airman. Will I get pension for 20 years of qualifying service?
Ans:- Service in ranks is fully counted for qualifying service towards pension wef 01-01-96.Before that only 2/3rd of service in ranks was counted towards qualifying service. Thus your total qualifying service will be 20 years. You will get pension for the last rank and pay held as an officer for 20 years qualifying years.
Q3. I have been dismissed from service. Can I get a pension?
Ans: An officer who has earned his pension i.e. has a qualifying service of 20 years can put up a mercy petition for grant of pension explaining his individual indigent circumstances ,number of dependents on him, his financial burden, his own /dependents medical condition etc. The application can be addressed to CAS/AOA. Based on the merits of the case the competent authority (AOA for AF officers) will take a decision on the matter and at his discretion, based on merits of the case, he may refuse pension or may clear restoration of part or full pension of the officer.
Disability pension
Q4. What kind of disability makes a person eligible for disability pension?
Ans: That disability which is attributable to or aggravated by service is eligible for disability pension provided the disability is 20percent or more. However when an officer is invalidated out of service on recommendations of invalid medical board(IMB) then he is eligible for disability pension even if the disability percentage is less than 20 percent provided if disability is attributable to or aggravated by service.
Q5. Who decides on the Attributability to/ aggravation factor of an officer’s disability?
Ans: All officers have to undergo annual medical examination. An officer’s disease /disability is picked up either during his voluntary sick report or due to detection in annual medical checkup which is compulsory for all officers. Having picked up the disease or disability the same is treated by the medical authorities. During treatment the officer’s medical category could be downgraded temporarily. Thereafter the officer is required to undergo a medical board at regular intervals which decides on his medical category and the Attributability/ aggravation aspect of the disease. Medical officers follow very clear guideline on these matters. Similarly when an officer’s disability/ injury is caused by an accident then the Attributability/ aggravation aspect of the disability will be decided by his injury report/ Court of inquiry recommendations on the matter. Thus it is the medical board which has the final say on the Attributability/aggravation. In case of accident cases the medical board will go through the injury report/COI on the matter.
Q6. What is broad banding of disability pension? How does the disability % go up in broad banding?
Ans: Govt. rules on pension show more benevolence for personnel who are invalidated out of service on medical grounds. In their case the disability percentage is broad banding to the next higher figure of 50%, 75% and 100%. Broad banding was introduced for the first time in 5th pay commission ie 01-01-1996. However for those who were invalidated out of service before 1996 there was no provision for bunching. Now in 6th pay commission persons who were invalidated out of service before 1996 are now eligible for broad banding effect with effect from 01 Jul 2009. There is also a possibility of this decision of broad banding for pre-1996 invalided officers to be changed by the Govt to 01 -01-1996 in near future due to certain legal issues on the matter.
Q7. What is service element and what is disability element?
Ans: Service element is similar to retiring pension whereas disability element is a pension specifically given for the disability which was attributable to or aggravated by service.
Q8. Is income tax exempt on both service element and Disability element of pension?
Ans: Yes, income tax is exempt on both.
Q9. Is there any DR on constant attendant allowance?
Ans: Constant attendant allowance (CAA)is given on the recommendations of invalid medical board. DR is there only for service element and disability element of pension, there is no DR on CAA. However when ever DR percentage goes beyond 50% CAA will increase by 25%. Thus the Rs 3000/- pm CAA stands revised to Rs 3750/- pm wef 01 January 2011after DR has crossed 50%.
Q10. What is the rate at which Disability element of pension is given?
Ans: The rate of disability pension w.e.f. 01-01-2006 is as follows:
- (a) Normal disability pension – 30% of last reckonable Emoluments
- (b) War injury pension, normal release – 60% of last reckonable Emoluments.
- (c) War injury, invalidation – 100% of last reckonable Emoluments
Note. The above rates are for 100% Disability, for lesser disability it shall proportionately get reduced.
Family Pension
Q11. If a person has more than one marriage which wife is entitled for family pension?
Ans: Only legal wife is entitled for Family pension. The lady with whom the officer has got married for the first time is the legal wife. Any other marriage done before the death or legal divorce with first wife is null and void in the eyes of law.
Q12. I was married to my husband when his divorce proceedings were going on with first wife. He got divorced from first wife after few months of our marriage. Am I entitled to family pension?
Ans: Since your marriage took place when the first wife was still the legal wife, it is null and void in the eyes of law. You should have waited for her legal divorce before your marriage with her husband. The fact that her divorce took place few months after your marriage does not make your marriage legal. Since your marriage was ab- initio null and void it will continue to remain null and void in the eyes of law and therefore you are not entitled for Family pension.
Q13. My first wife is not loyal to me can I write a will to grant family pension to my second wife with whom I stay?
Ans: Such incidents have happened in the past and such a will has been challenged in court of law. The court rulings are very clear. Since will can be written only on own property and family pension comes out of Govt money for a social cause therefore any will on family pension is illegal and hence null and void. Family pension will go to legal wife only.
Q14. I am the mother, my son died in an air crash as an IAF pilot. He was recently married. Will I get family pension?
Ans: Parents can get family pension only for a bachelor officer or an officer who has not left behind any widow or child after his death. In this case the officer’s widow will get family pension.
Q15. What is the eligibility to Family pension after remarriage of a widow?
Ans: Widows who are in receipt of special family pension (SFP) and liberalized family pension (LFP) will continue to get their SFP/ LFP after remarriage provided they support their children after remarriage. If the widow does not support her children then her family pension will be divided between her and her children till they attain 25 years of age. However if a widow in receipt of ordinary family pension (OFP) remarries then her Family pension will continue only if she is childless at the time of remarriage. If she has children her family pension will stop and get passed on to eligible children below 25 years of age.
Q16. What are the rules on eligibility of Family pension for children if both parents expire/become ineligible?
Ans: When both parents/ single surviving parent, eligible for pension expire/ become ineligible, then Children below 25 years of age unmarried and unemployed (income less than minimum Pension of Rs 3500/-pm +DR) will be eligible for family pension. The Family pension will start with eldest child below 25 years of age. Once he/she is 25 years of age it will pass to the next child in line who is below 25 years. For release of family pension to a minor child a legal guardian will be required from a court of law till the child is 18 years old. If there is a handicapped child eligible for life long pension then Family pension to handicapped child will be issued only after all other eligible children below 25 years have received their share of Family pension.
Q17. What are the rules on eligibility of Family pension for handicapped children/ handicapped siblings?
Ans: Handicapped children (not capable of earning livelihood for life) are eligible for family pension for life after the death of both parents. Such children have to be examined by a competent medical authority and a certificate from the doctor (not less than the rank of Brigadier or equivalent) as per prescribed format will be required. Married handicapped children are not eligible for this pension. A legal guardian for such children should be nominated by parents in their life time. Handicapped siblings (brothers and sisters) are also eligible for family pension on similar lines as handicapped children. For Endorsement of the name of handicapped child/ sibling in the PPO, an officer can apply during his life time itself. Applications for the same should be sent to Dte of PP&R.
Q18. What are the rules on eligibility of Family pension for unmarried/ divorced/ widowed daughter?
Ans: Unmarried / divorced / widowed daughter can apply for family pension only after the death of both her parents. She is eligible to apply only if she is unmarried/ remains divorced at the time of demise of her last surviving parent (father or mother). Her pension is subject to minimum income criteria and audit verification of her claims. Her name will not be annotated in the PPO during parent’s life time. Applications by eligible daughters should be sent to Dte of PP&R.
Q19. What are the rules on eligibility of Family pension to Wife/NOK of missing personnel in service or after Retirement?
Ans: Ordinary family pension is admissible for personnel who are missing in service or after retirement. The family pension can commence six months after lodging of missing FIR. For cases of missing personnel while in service, an inquiry at the unit level must establish that the person is actually missing and is not a deserter. The same has to be supported by Police investigation reports on the matter. For cases of missing personnel after retirement the family pension will only be admissible to widow/NOK if the missing officer was in receipt of service element of pension and the police investigation report establishes clearly that the retired officer is missing. Thereafter in such cases Family pension will be released after proper audit verification.
Q20. My husband was getting two pensions one from IAF and another from the central Govt job taken up after premature retirement. He has expired recently; can I get two family pensions?
Ans: While defence pensioners can earn a second pension from their new organization after retirement however the present Govt rules don’t permit two family pensions to a widow. She can draw only one family pension whichever is more beneficial to her. However in addition to her defence family pension w.e.f 27-7-2001, a widow can also draw the second family pension only if it comes under following two categories i.e. EPF scheme 1995 and FPS 1971
Q21. How can I collect pension of my husband who is very sick and not in his senses?
Ans: Whenever a pensioner is sick to the extent that he/she can’t sign her bank cheques then they are permitted to put Thumb impression on the cheque. In addition for pensioners who are in comatose state i.e. unconscious/ or mentally not stable, a legal guardianship certificate from district court will be required by the bank and there after the bank will release pension to the legal guardian. For the purpose of submitting yearly life certificate for such pensioners, the bank should be requested to send an official at the home of pensioner so as to physically verify the pensioner and then issue the life certificate.
Q22. I am a widow drawing family pension. I am not keeping well, I want to shift permanently with my daughter staying in another state. What is the procedure to shift my pension account to another bank/ branch of same bank?
Ans: A pensioner can change his PDA (pension disbursing agency) as per his/her choice. For this he/ she has to apply to their PDA i.e. the bank or branch from where they are drawing pension. If there is any problem they can contact Dte of PP&R for advice. Certain precautions should be taken before applying for change of PDA. Firstly there should be no major amount/ arrear due in the pension account. Secondly draw the last pension as and when it becomes due and thereafter immediately apply for transfer. Depending on banks efficiency the procedure can take 4-10 weeks. It can take longer if there is transit loss of documents. Widows must activate their jointly notified family pension and should draw their family pension for few months before applying for change of PDA.
Q23. My husband was invalided out of service two years ago due to injuries in an air accident. His disability was attributable. He has recently expired and I am in receipt of Enhanced ordinary family pension. Can I get Special Family Pension?
Ans: If an officer is invalided out for a disability which is attributable to or aggravated by service and dies within seven years of his invalidation then his wife is eligible for special family pension if the death, as per medical opinion, is caused due to the disability for which he was boarded out. In such a case the lady should contact Dte of PP&R at Air HQ for further advise.
Dependent Pension & Ex-Gratia for Flt Cadets
Q24. What is the difference between Family pension and dependent pension?
Ans: Family Pension is paid to the widow/child of an officer who has died while in service or after retirement. A claim for dependent’s pension arises in favour of parents/ eligible brothers and sisters (in the absence of parents) of the deceased officers who die as a bachelor or widower without children.
Q25. Are the rates of dependent pension for parents same in cases of death which is attributable (similar to SFP) and death which is not attributable (similar to OFP)?
Ans: The rate of dependent pension for not attributable to or aggravated by service (NANA) cases of death corresponding to OFP and for attributable to or aggravated by service cases of death corresponding with SFP is same i.e. 30% of last reckonable emoluments. The only difference is that for NANA cases corresponding to OFP the means limit (income) criteria is there i.e. income should not be more than Rs 3500/- pm +DR. However for cases corresponding with SFP there is no means limit but the rates are authorised at 50% of SFP i.e. 30% of last reckonable emoluments. However For death case corresponding with LFP the rates will be 75 % / 60% of last reckonable emoluments for both parents /single parent being alive respectively.
Q26. Are parents of a bachelor officer eligible for Family pension if he dies after being invalided out/retirement?
Ans: Parents of a bachelor officer who dies after his invalidation /retirement will be eligible for Family pension only if they both were dependent on him while he was in service.
Q27. Are Flt Cadets entitled to pension?
Ans: Flight Cadets (direct) are not entitled for pension like commissioned officers/ other ranks. However they are entitled to Ex Gratia awards for disability and death.
Q28. What are the current rates of Ex Gratia awards for disability and death for flight cadets?
Ans: The current rates of Ex Gratia for flight cadets (applicable to all officer cadets (direct) in three services) are as follows:-
(a) Ex Gratia Awards to Flt Cadets in Case Of Disablement (Invalidation on Medical Grounds)
- (i) Monthly Ex Gratia – Rs 3500/-pm + DR
- (ii) Monthly Ex Gratia Disability Award – Rs 6300/-pm + DR
(For 100% disability, will be reduced proportionately for lower disability) - (iii) Constant Attendant Allowance (CAA)- Rs 3000/- pm
* CAA is admissible for 100% disability, on recommendations of IMB.
** DR is not admissible on CAA
*** CAA will increase by 25% whenever DR crosses 50%
(b) Ex Gratia Awards to Flt Cadets in Case Of Death
- (i) One time Ex-Gratia Amount – Rs 5 Lac
- (ii) Monthly Ex-Gratia Amount to Next of Kin – Rs 3500/-pm + DR
Q29. Flt cadets join AFGIS when they join IAF. What are the benefits from AFGIS for flt cadets in case of death or invalidation during training.
Ans: As on date (in 2011) the death cover by AFGIS is 50 lacs. In addition Every Flight Cadet of IAF who is a member of Air force Group Insurance Society (AFGIS) and who is invalided out of training on recommendations of an invalid medical board on account of disability will be provided disability benefit at half the rate of life cover for 100% disability. For lesser disability the amount will be reduced proportionately. Attributability/aggravation to service is not a factor for granting this claim. However this benefit is for a disability of 20% and above only. In addition if a member is invalided out within one year of enrollment and the disability is not attributable to service, the member will not be eligible for this benefit. This payment is not from public funds but welfare funds i.e. AFGIS created by contribution from serving and retired IAF personnel.
EX-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS)
Q 30. What is the concept of ECHS treatment?
Ans: ECHS facility for ex-servicemen is on the same lines as CGHS facility for retired central Govt employees.
Q 31. Who all are eligible for ECHS?
Ans: All Ex-servicemen who are in receipt of pension, including disability and family pensioners and their dependents are eligible for ECHS membership.
Q 32. What is fixed medical allowance in lieu of ECHS facility?
Ans: Ex Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) is compulsory for those who retired/ became family pensioners on or after 01 April 2003. Such persons have nothing to do with Fixed Medical Allowance. For any reason if such persons (particularly Family pensioners) have not yet become members of ECHS, they can contact their nearest military station/ ECHS regional center and become an ECHS member. However pre – 01 April 03 retirees/ family pensioners had an option to opt for ECHS or remain out of it. Those pensioners who opted to remain out of ECHS are entitled for a fixed medical allowance per month. Earlier this amount was Rs 100/- pm. Now wef 01Sep 08 it has been increased to Rs 300/-pm. Such retirees still have the option to become ECHS members after completing certain formalities, they can contact nearest ECHS Regional Centre for the same. They can also get relevant information on ECHS website. ECHS official website is www.indianarmy.nic.in. Alternately to reach ECHS website type ECHS army on Google or any other search engine and the first site listed there will normally be the official website of ECHS.
Q33. I am a pre- Apr 2003 pensioner. I had opted for drawing medical allowance earlier, now I want to join ECHS please advise me on the procedures.
Ans: A large number of pre-2003 pensioners who had the option to choose between joining ECHS or drawing a Fixed Medical Allowance per month opted for Fixed Medical Allowance per month. Many of them now feel that it was a wrong decision and want to join ECHS. However, they are not clear about the rates and the procedure of joining ECHS. Firstly, medical expenses are bound to increase with advancement in age, therefore, it makes a lot of sense to join ECHS and forgo the Fixed Medical Allowance. Pre-Apr 2003 pensioners, who wish to join ECHS, should contact ECHS Regional Centre / nearest Military Base for advice. In addition they can go on ECHS official Website i.e. www.indianarmy.nic.in/arechs.htm. The revised rate of subscription for pre-Apr 2003 pensioners is as follows: –
(a) ESM who Retired prior to 01 Jan 96. Those pensioners who wish to join the ECHS do not have to pay any subscription as per the prevailing GoI Orders.
(b) ESM who Retired from 01 Jan 1996 to 31 Mar 04. Though the scheme was made compulsory wef 01 Apr 2003, the money from PPO was deducted from 01 Apr 2004. Those pensioners who have retired between 01 Jan 1996 to 31 Mar 2004 and now want to take ECHS membership (on or after 01 Jun 2009) will have to pay the revised rates of subscription effective from 01 Jun 2009 i.e.
Grade Pay corresponding to last rank
Contribution (in rupees)
Rs. 1800/-, Rs. 1900/-, Rs. 2000/-, Rs. 2400/-and Rs. 2800/- : 15,000/-
Rs. 4200/- : 27,000/-
Rs. 4600/-, Rs. 4800/-, Rs. 5400/-, and Rs. 6600/- : 39,000/-
Rs. 7600/- and above (sqn Ldr & above) : 60,000/-
Retiring Pension
Q1. What is minimum qualifying service for full pension of an officer?
Ans: The minimum qualifying service for pension is 20 years for an officer. However there are following exceptions:-
- (a) For SSC/ emergency commissioned officers who were selected from other ranks, the minimum qualifying service for pension is 12years.
- (b) Those officers who are medically invalidated out of service and whose disability is attributable to or aggravated by service will be eligible for pension consisting of service element and disability element. There is no minimum qualifying service required for that.
- (c) Those officers who are medically invalidated out of services and whose disability is neither attributable to nor aggravated by service will be eligible for service element of pension if they have a minimum qualifying service of 10 years or more.
Q2. I am from ranks and I have 14 years of short service commissioned service and 06 years of service in ranks as an airman. Will I get pension for 20 years of qualifying service?
Ans: Service in ranks is fully counted for qualifying service towards pension wef 01-01-96.Before that only 2/3rd of service in ranks was counted towards qualifying service. Thus your total qualifying service will be 20 years. You will get pension for the last rank and pay held as an officer for 20 years qualifying years.
Q3. I have been dismissed from service. Can I get a pension?
Ans: An officer who has earned his pension i.e. has a qualifying service of 20 years can put up a mercy petition for grant of pension explaining his individual indigent circumstances ,number of dependents on him, his financial burden, his own /dependents medical condition etc. The application can be addressed to CAS/AOA. Based on the merits of the case the competent authority (AOA for AF officers) will take a decision on the matter and at his discretion, based on merits of the case, he may refuse pension or may clear restoration of part or full pension of the officer.
Disability pension
Q4. What kind of disability makes a person eligible for disability pension?
Ans: That disability which is attributable to or aggravated by service is eligible for disability pension provided the disability is 20percent or more. However when an officer is invalidated out of service on recommendations of invalid medical board (IMB) then he is eligible for disability pension even if the disability percentage is less than 20 percent provided if disability is attributable to or aggravated by service.
Q5. Who decides on the Attributability to/ aggravation factor of an officer’s disability?
Ans: All officers have to undergo annual medical examination. An officer’s disease /disability is picked up either during his voluntary sick report or due to detection in annual medical checkup which is compulsory for all officers. Having picked up the disease or disability the same is treated by the medical authorities. During treatment the officer’s medical category could be downgraded temporarily. Thereafter the officer is required to undergo a medical board at regular intervals which decides on his medical category and the Attributability/ aggravation aspect of the disease. Medical officers follow very clear guideline on these matters. Similarly when an officer’s disability/ injury is caused by an accident then the Attributability/ aggravation aspect of the disability will be decided by his injury report/ Court of inquiry recommendations on the matter. Thus it is the medical board which has the final say on the Attributability/ aggravation. In case of accident cases the medical board will go through the injury report/COI on the matter.
Q6. What is broad banding of disability pension? How does the disability % go up in broad banding?
Ans: Govt. rules on pension show more benevolence for personnel who are invalidated out of service on medical grounds. In their case the disability percentage is broad banding to the next higher figure of 50%, 75% and 100%. Broad banding was introduced for the first time in 5th pay commission ie 01-01-1996. However for those who were invalidated out of service before 1996 there was no provision for bunching. Now in 6th pay commission persons who were invalidated out of service before 1996 are now eligible for broad banding effect with effect from 01 Jul 2009. There is also a possibility of this decision of broad banding for pre-1996 invalided officers to be changed by the Govt to 01 -01-1996 in near future due to certain legal issues on the matter.
Q7. What is service element and what is disability element?
Ans: Service element is similar to retiring pension whereas disability element is a pension specifically given for the disability which was attributable to or aggravated by service.
Q8. Is income tax exempt on both service element and Disability element of pension?
Ans: Yes, income tax is exempt on both.
Q9. Is there any DR on constant attendant allowance?
Ans: Constant attendant allowance (CAA) is given on the recommendations of invalid medical board. DR is there only for service element and disability element of pension, there is no DR on CAA. However when ever DR percentage goes beyond 50% CAA will increase by 25%. Thus the Rs 3000/- pm CAA stands revised to Rs 3750/- pm wef 01 January 2011after DR has crossed 50%.
Q10. What is the rate at which Disability element of pension is given?
Ans: The rate of disability pension w.e.f. 01-01-2006 is as follows:
- (a) Normal disability pension – 30% of last reckonable Emoluments
- (b) War injury pension, normal release – 60% of last reckonable Emoluments.
- (c) War injury, invalidation – 100% of last reckonable Emoluments
Note. The above rates are for 100% Disability, for lesser disability it shall proportionately get reduced.
Family Pension
Q11. If a person has more than one marriage which wife is entitled for family pension?
Ans: Only legal wife is entitled for Family pension. The lady with whom the officer has got married for the first time is the legal wife. Any other marriage done before the death or legal divorce with first wife is null and void in the eyes of law.
Q12. I was married to my husband when his divorce proceedings were going on with first wife. He got divorced from first wife after few months of our marriage. Am I entitled to family pension?
Ans: Since your marriage took place when the first wife was still the legal wife, it is null and void in the eyes of law. You should have waited for her legal divorce before your marriage with her husband. The fact that her divorce took place few months after your marriage does not make your marriage legal. Since your marriage was ab- initio null and void it will continue to remain null and void in the eyes of law and therefore you are not entitled for Family pension.
Q13. My first wife is not loyal to me can I write a will to grant family pension to my second wife with whom I stay?
Ans: Such incidents have happened in the past and such a will has been challenged in court of law. The court rulings are very clear. Since will can be written only on own property and family pension comes out of Govt money for a social cause therefore any will on family pension is illegal and hence null and void. Family pension will go to legal wife only.
Q14. I am the mother, my son died in an air crash as an IAF pilot. He was recently married. Will I get family pension?
Ans: Parents can get family pension only for a bachelor officer or an officer who has not left behind any widow or child after his death. In this case the officer’s widow will get family pension.
Q15. What is the eligibility to Family pension after remarriage of a widow?
Ans: Widows who are in receipt of special family pension (SFP) and liberalized family pension (LFP) will continue to get their SFP/LFP after remarriage provided they support their children after remarriage. If the widow does not support her children then her family pension will be divided between her and her children till they attain 25 years of age. However if a widow in receipt of ordinary family pension (OFP) remarries then her Family pension will continue only if she is childless at the time of remarriage. If she has children her family pension will stop and get passed on to eligible children below 25 years of age.
Q16. What are the rules on eligibility of Family pension for children if both parents expire/become ineligible?
Ans: When both parents/ single surviving parent, eligible for pension expire/ become ineligible, then Children below 25 years of age unmarried and unemployed (income less than minimum Pension of Rs 3500/-pm +DR) will be eligible for family pension. The Family pension will start with eldest child below 25 years of age. Once he/she is 25 years of age it will pass to the next child in line who is below 25 years. For release of family pension to a minor child a legal guardian will be required from a court of law till the child is 18 years old. If there is a handicapped child eligible for life long pension then Family pension to handicapped child will be issued only after all other eligible children below 25 years have received their share of Family pension.
Q17. What are the rules on eligibility of Family pension for handicapped children/ handicapped siblings?
Ans: Handicapped children (not capable of earning livelihood for life) are eligible for family pension for life after the death of both parents. Such children have to be examined by a competent medical authority and a certificate from the doctor (not less than the rank of Brigadier or equivalent) as per prescribed format will be required. Married handicapped children are not eligible for this pension. A legal guardian for such children should be nominated by parents in their life time. Handicapped siblings (brothers and sisters) are also eligible for family pension on similar lines as handicapped children. For Endorsement of the name of handicapped child/ sibling in the PPO, an officer can apply during his life time itself. Applications for the same should be sent to Dte of PP&R.
Q18. What are the rules on eligibility of Family pension for unmarried/ divorced/ widowed daughter?
Ans: Unmarried / divorced / widowed daughter can apply for family pension only after the death of both her parents. She is eligible to apply only if she is unmarried/ remains divorced at the time of demise of her last surviving parent (father or mother). Her pension is subject to minimum income criteria and audit verification of her claims. Her name will not be annotated in the PPO during parent’s life time. Applications by eligible daughters should be sent to Dte of PP&R.
Q19. What are the rules on eligibility of Family pension to Wife/NOK of missing personnel in service or after Retirement?
Ans: Ordinary family pension is admissible for personnel who are missing in service or after retirement. The family pension can commence six months after lodging of missing FIR. For cases of missing personnel while in service, an inquiry at the unit level must establish that the person is actually missing and is not a deserter. The same has to be supported by Police investigation reports on the matter. For cases of missing personnel after retirement the family pension will only be admissible to widow/NOK if the missing officer was in receipt of service element of pension and the police investigation report establishes clearly that the retired officer is missing. Thereafter in such cases Family pension will be released after proper audit verification.
Q20. My husband was getting two pensions one from IAF and another from the central Govt job taken up after premature retirement. He has expired recently; can I get two family pensions?
Ans: While defence pensioners can earn a second pension from their new organization after retirement however the present Govt rules don’t permit two family pensions to a widow. She can draw only one family pension whichever is more beneficial to her. However in addition to her defence family pension w.e.f 27-7-2001, a widow can also draw the second family pension only if it comes under following two categories i.e. EPF scheme 1995 and FPS 1971
Q21. How can I collect pension of my husband who is very sick and not in his senses?
Ans: Whenever a pensioner is sick to the extent that he/she can’t sign her bank cheques then they are permitted to put Thumb impression on the cheque. In addition for pensioners who are in comatose state i.e. unconscious/ or mentally not stable, a legal guardianship certificate from district court will be required by the bank and there after the bank will release pension to the legal guardian. For the purpose of submitting yearly life certificate for such pensioners, the bank should be requested to send an official at the home of pensioner so as to physically verify the pensioner and then issue the life certificate.
Q22. I am a widow drawing family pension. I am not keeping well, I want to shift permanently with my daughter staying in another state. What is the procedure to shift my pension account to another bank/branch of same bank?
Ans: A pensioner can change his PDA (pension disbursing agency) as per his/her choice. For this he/she has to apply to their PDA i.e. the bank or branch from where they are drawing pension. If there is any problem they can contact Dte of PP&R for advice. Certain precautions should be taken before applying for change of PDA. Firstly there should be no major amount/ arrear due in the pension account. Secondly draw the last pension as and when it becomes due and thereafter immediately apply for transfer. Depending on banks efficiency the procedure can take 4-10 weeks. It can take longer if there is transit loss of documents. Widows must activate their jointly notified family pension and should draw their family pension for few months before applying for change of PDA.
Q23. My husband was invalided out of service two years ago due to injuries in an air accident. His disability was attributable. He has recently expired and I am in receipt of Enhanced ordinary family pension. Can I get Special Family Pension?
Ans: If an officer is invalided out for a disability which is attributable to or aggravated by service and dies within seven years of his invalidation then his wife is eligible for special family pension if the death, as per medical opinion, is caused due to the disability for which he was boarded out. In such a case the lady should contact Dte of PP&R at Air HQ for further advise.
Dependent Pension & Ex-Gratia for Flt Cadets
Q24. What is the difference between Family pension and dependent pension?
Ans: Family Pension is paid to the widow/child of an officer who has died while in service or after retirement. A claim for dependent’s pension arises in favour of parents/ eligible brothers and sisters (in the absence of parents) of the deceased officers who die as a bachelor or widower without children.
Q25. Are the rates of dependent pension for parents same in cases of death which is attributable (similar to SFP) and death which is not attributable (similar to OFP)?
Ans: The rate of dependent pension for not attributable to or aggravated by service (NANA) cases of death corresponding to OFP and for attributable to or aggravated by service cases of death corresponding with SFP is same i.e. 30% of last reckonable emoluments. The only difference is that for NANA cases corresponding to OFP the means limit (income) criteria is there i.e. income should not be more than Rs 3500/- pm +DR. However for cases corresponding with SFP there is no means limit but the rates are authorised at 50% of SFP i.e. 30% of last reckonable emoluments. However For death case corresponding with LFP the rates will be 75 % / 60% of last reckonable emoluments for both parents /single parent being alive respectively.
Q26. Are parents of a bachelor officer eligible for Family pension if he dies after being invalided out/retirement?
Ans: Parents of a bachelor officer who dies after his invalidation /retirement will be eligible for Family pension only if they both were dependent on him while he was in service.
Q27. Are Flt Cadets entitled to pension?
Ans: Flight Cadets (direct) are not entitled for pension like commissioned officers/ other ranks. However they are entitled to Ex Gratia awards for disability and death.
Q28. What are the current rates of Ex Gratia awards for disability and death for flight cadets?
Ans: The current rates of Ex Gratia for flight cadets (applicable to all officer cadets (direct) in three services) are as follows:-
(a) Ex Gratia Awards to Flt Cadets in Case Of Disablement (Invalidation on Medical Grounds)
- (i) Monthly Ex Gratia – Rs 3500/-pm + DR
- (ii) Monthly Ex Gratia Disability Award – Rs 6300/-pm + DR
(For 100% disability, will be reduced proportionately for lower disability) - (iii) Constant Attendant Allowance (CAA)- Rs 3000/- pm
* CAA is admissible for 100% disability, on recommendations of IMB.
** DR is not admissible on CAA*** CAA will in
crease by 25% whenever DR crosses 50%
(b) Ex Gratia Awards to Flt Cadets in Case Of Death
- (i) One time Ex-Gratia Amount – Rs 5 Lac
- (ii) Monthly Ex-Gratia Amount to Next of Kin – Rs 3500/-pm + DR
Q29. Flt cadets join AFGIS when they join IAF. What are the benefits from AFGIS for flt cadets in case of death or invalidation during training.
Ans: As on date (in 2011) the death cover by AFGIS is 50 lacs. In addition Every Flight Cadet of IAF who is a member of Air force Group Insurance Society (AFGIS) and who is invalided out of training on recommendations of an invalid medical board on account of disability will be provided disability benefit at half the rate of life cover for 100% disability. For lesser disability the amount will be reduced proportionately. Attributability/aggravation to service is not a factor for granting this claim. However this benefit is for a disability of 20% and above only. In addition if a member is invalided out within one year of enrollment and the disability is not attributable to service, the member will not be eligible for this benefit. This payment is not from public funds but welfare funds i.e. AFGIS created by contribution from serving and retired IAF personnel.
EX-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS)
Q 30. What is the concept of ECHS treatment?
Ans: ECHS facility for ex-servicemen is on the same lines as CGHS facility for retired central Govt employees.
Q 31. Who all are eligible for ECHS?
Ans: All Ex-servicemen who are in receipt of pension, including disability and family pensioners and their dependents are eligible for ECHS membership.
Q 32. What is fixed medical allowance in lieu of ECHS facility?
Ans: Ex Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) is compulsory for those who retired/ became family pensioners on or after 01 April 2003. Such persons have nothing to do with Fixed Medical Allowance. For any reason if such persons (particularly Family pensioners) have not yet become members of ECHS, they can contact their nearest military station/ ECHS regional center and become an ECHS member. However pre – 01 April 03 retirees/ family pensioners had an option to opt for ECHS or remain out of it. Those pensioners who opted to remain out of ECHS are entitled for a fixed medical allowance per month. Earlier this amount was Rs 100/- pm. Now wef 01Sep 08 it has been increased to Rs 300/-pm. Such retirees still have the option to become ECHS members after completing certain formalities, they can contact nearest ECHS Regional Centre for the same. They can also get relevant information on ECHS website. ECHS official website is www.indianarmy.nic.in/arechs.htm. Alternately to reach ECHS website type ECHS army on Google or any other search engine and the first site listed there will normally be the official website of ECHS.
Q33. I am a pre- Apr 2003 pensioner. I had opted for drawing medical allowance earlier, now I want to join ECHS please advise me on the procedures.
Ans: A large number of pre-2003 pensioners who had the option to choose between joining ECHS or drawing a Fixed Medical Allowance per month opted for Fixed Medical Allowance per month. Many of them now feel that it was a wrong decision and want to join ECHS. However, they are not clear about the rates and the procedure of joining ECHS. Firstly, medical expenses are bound to increase with advancement in age, therefore, it makes a lot of sense to join ECHS and forgo the Fixed Medical Allowance. Pre-Apr 2003 pensioners, who wish to join ECHS, should contact ECHS Regional Centre / nearest Military Base for advice. In addition they can go on ECHS official Website i.e. www.indianarmy.nic.in/arechs.htm. The revised rate of subscription for pre-Apr 2003 pensioners is as follows: –
- (a) ESM who Retired prior to 01 Jan 96. Those pensioners who wish to join the ECHS do not have to pay any subscription as per the prevailing GoI Orders.
- (b) ESM who Retired from 01 Jan 1996 to 31 Mar 04. Though the scheme was made compulsory wef 01 Apr 2003, the money from PPO was deducted from 01 Apr 2004. Those pensioners who have retired between 01 Jan 1996 to 31 Mar 2004 and now want to take ECHS membership (on or after 01 Jun 2009) will have to pay the revised rates of subscription effective from 01 Jun 2009 i.e.
Source: iafpensioners.gov.in