CSE Probationers
No. 2019/E(Trg)/13/1
New Delhi, Dated: 02.11.2020
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways/PUs.
Sub: Probation period of CSE probationers-confirmation reg.
Ref: i). ECoR’s letter No. ECoR/Pers/ Gaz/Confirmation/ Gr.A Prob/TT&C/ IRTS dtd 22.10.2020.
ii). Railway Board’s letter No.E(Trg) 89(13)3 dtd 15.09.1992.
ECoR, vide their letter dtd. 22.10.2020 under reference, has sought clarification regarding treatment of 10-week Combined Services Foundation Program (CSFC) period for CSE probationers in their overall probation period.
In terms of Board’s letter dated 15.09.1992, the total probation period for IRTS probationers is 03 years which includes 1.5 years Institutional training period and 1.5 years training against working post.
As the probationary training at CTIs is fixed for 1.5 years and CSFC is also a part of the total probation period, the 10-week CSFC period shall be adjusted against probation period on working post in r/o CSE probationers.
(Jitendra Kumar)
Dy. Director (Training)
Railway Board.
Ph No. 011-23047251
Email: [email protected]

Source: East Coast Railway
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