D.O. NO.1/Misc.maters/2016-IR (Pt-II)
Dated: 20.09.2016
Dear Nodal Officer,
As you are aware that, one of the action points emerged out of the presentation made by group of secretaries before Hon’ble Prime Minister, is to expand Right to Information (RTI) Management Information System (MIS) web portal to cover all Public Authorities (PAs) under Central Government. Department of Personnel & training (DoPT) being the Nodal Agency for implementation of RTI Act, 2005 in India have been reiterating the importance and urgency of aligning Public Authorities with the DoPT’s RTI Online Portal.
Since the inception of the portal, till date, 690 PAs have so far been aligned with this portal.
2. In this regard, DoPT took an initiative and conducted a series of training workshops for each of the Nodal Officer (who is the focal point of the concerned Public Authority and who receives RTF applications/appeals and further distributes these to the concerned CPIOs/FAAs in the Organisation) under various Public Authorities, Ministry/Department wise during June July, 2016. This exercise was conducted for a month covering around 330 PAs under 10 Central Ministries/Department.
3. Out of 330 PAs invited for these training sessions, around 51 PAs/Nodal Officers neither did attend the workshops nor share their Nodal Officers details for creating Username and Password, a step required to be done before online alignment is made. Since, all the PAs (around 2000) will have to be aligned in a time bound manner (a target timeline fixed and monitored at the highest level), DoPT is organising yet another training workshop as a special drive for those defaulted PAs/Nodal Officers who did not attend the workshops conducted for them in June-July, 2016, as a last opportunity being provided to them.
4. It is therefore requested that all Nodal Officers under 51 PAs as per list attached to attend the workshop ‘without fail’ being organised by DoPT on 27th September, 2016 at CSOI, Vi nay Marg, New Delhi from 2:30 PM to 5:30PM.
5. Although this training schedule is primarily meant for the Nodal Officers only, it is suggested that in case there is only one or few CPIO and FAA each in any PA, they may also be asked to attend the training. However, in case of large no of CPIOs/FAAs under any PA, DoPT will organize separate training programmes for them upon receiving request from that PA.
6. The invited Nodal Officers may further note that they have to share mandatorily their details (i.e. Name, Designation, e-Mail 10 & Phone No.) for creation of user name and password by the Project Management Unit (PMU) members on the day of the training. After training of Nodal officers, the concerned PAs will be aligned with the Portal. The PMU will be providing all the necessary support to the PAs/Nodal Officers for their alignment with the portal. The PMU team is headed by:
Shri Piyush Kanal (Sr. Manager Associate/Head PMU)
E-mail Id:
Phone No: 011 24648977178
Address: Room No. 384, 3rd Floor
LokNayak Shawan, Khan Market
New Delhi 110003.
7. It may be noted by all concerned that no further opportunity would be given to the Nodal Officers after this workshop. In case, the concerned Nodal Officer is unable to attend this training as per given schedule and fails to provide user name and password to the PMU team, the username will be created suo-muto and the concerned PAs will be made live on the RTI Online Portal w.e.f 30th September, 2016, by DoPT.
With regards,
(Gayatri Mishra)
Director (Information Right)
i. Head of the Public Authority With a request to relieve the Nodal Officer for the above stated training with all details
ii. Joint Secretary in the Deptt./Ministry with a request to issue suitable instruction to the concerned Public Authorities to relieve the Nodal Officers for the above stated training.
Source: Persmin
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