Date of next increment rule 10

No. 1(20)/2017/D (Pay/Services) – Part-1
Ministry of Defence
Department of Military Affairs
D (Pay/Services)
Sena Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 02 November, 2020
Subject: Date of next increment – Rule 10 of Army Officers and Air Force Officers Pay Rules, 2017; Regulation 10 of Navy Officers – Pay Regulations, 2017; Rule 10 of Army, Air Force and Military Nursing Service Pay Rules, 2017; Regulation 10, of Navy Pay Regulations, 2017 and Rule 9 of the Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Air Force Rules, 2017 – regarding.
The undersigned is directed to invite attention to MoD O.M.s No.: 1(20)2017/D (Pay/ Services) dated 22.3.2018 and 30.4.2019 and O.M. No. a PC-1(20)2017-D (Pay/ Services) Part- II dated 11.3.2019 on the issue of availability of option for fixation of pay on promotion/ Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPs) from the date of next increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of pay fixation from DNI, if opted for, in context of Army and Air Force Officers Pay Rules, 2017, Navy Officers Regulation, 2017, Army, Air Force and Military Nursing Service Pay Rules, 2017, Navy Pay Regulations, 2017 and Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Air Force Rules, 2017.
Defence / Fixation of pay on promotion from the Date of Next Increment (DNI) in the lower post – Air Force and Navy Pay Regulations 2017
2. Enclosed herewith is the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No. 421/2017-IC /E.IIIA dated 28.11.2019 and to say that the provisions contained therein of the said letter, will mutatis-mutandis be applicable to the Defence Services Officers and JCO/OR and equivalence – provided all the conditions and stipulations laid down therein are strictly fulfilled.
3. Since there is a material change, the personnel who have been regularly promoted or granted financial up-gradation on or after 1.1.2016 and desire to exercise/ re-exercise option for pay fixation shall be given opportunity to exercise or re-exercise of the option. Such an option shall be exercised within one month of issue of this O.M.
MACP Option for Fixation of Pay on Promotion from DNI – Clarification order
4. These instructions will be applicable with effect from 01.01.2016.
5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their Dy. No. 1(8)/2017-AG/PA/101 dated 21.10.2020.
Pay Rules / Regulations 2017 for Army / Navy / Air force officers, MNS, JCOs / OR & Equivalent for revision of option to come over to revised pay structure
(T Johnson)
Gp Capt
Director (Pay / Services)
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