Discontinuation of BSR code
CPAO/1T&Tech/e‐PPO/6(Vol‐ X) (D)/PF/2019-20/140
Subject: Discontinuation of BSR code-regarding
Kind attention is invited to this office OM No. CPAO/IT tech/e-PPO/6 (Vol-X)(D)/ 2019-20/81 dated 19.08.2019 (copy attached wherein all the Heads of CPPCs of Authorized Banks were requested to offer comments on shifting from BSR Code to IFSC for processing the pension cases of the pensioners concerned under “Scheme for payment of Pension to Central Government Civil Pensioners through Authorised Banks”.
Also check: CPAO – Applications for engagement of Three Consultants on Contract Basis
The matter was also taken up with Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and it is intimated that RBI has conveyed their concurrence on the proposal from shifting from BSR Code to IFSC for processing the pension cases of the pensioners. Copy of comments received from RBI is attached.
No comments from the Banks side have been received in this office. Therefore, all the Heads of CPPCs of Authorized Banks & Govt. Business Deptt. are once again requested to offer their comments on the proposal from shifting from BSR Code to IFSC expeditiously, in any case not later than 15th December, 2019. If no reply / comments are received from the Banks, it will be assumed that they have nothing to say on the matter. Priority may be accordingly given to this issue.
This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pensions).
Encl:- As above
(Md. Shahid Kamal Ansari)
(Dy. Controller of Accounts)
Source: CPAO

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