Change In System Of Referral: No Referral To Be In The Name Of Any Private Empanelled Medical Facility
Central Organisation
ECHS Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters
Ministry of Defence (Army)
Maude Lines
Delhi Cantt-110010
Tele: 25683476 Mil 36833
Dated: 3 Aug 2018
IHQ of MoD (Navy)/Dir ECHS (N) Air HQ (VB)/DPS
HQ Southern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Eastern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Central Command (A/ECHS
HQ Northern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ South Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Andaman & Nicobar Command (A/ECHS)
Copy of GOI. DoESW letter No 18(54)/2018/WE/D(Res-1) dated 02 Aug 18 is fwd
Kindly instruct to all in your jurisdiction to follow the orders with immediate effect.
(Ravi pal kapoor)
LT Col
Jt Dir (Med)
F.No. 18(54)12018NVE/D(Res-1)
Government of India
Department of Ex Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi, dated 02 August. 2018
Managing Director
Ex-servicemen Contributory
Health Scheme Wide Line,
Maude line,
Delhi Cantt.
Subject: Change in System of Referral-No referral to be in the Name of any Private Empanelled Medical Facility.
The undersigned is direct to state that as per the Ministry of Health & family Welfare OM No. Z15025/105/2017/DIR/CGHS/EHS dated 09.11.2017 the CGHS doctor / Government Specialist shall not refer the beneficiary to any particular empanelled hospital by name but shall specify the treatment procedure and mention “referred to any CGHS empanelled centre”
ECHS has to follow the CGHS Norms. However, it is seen that doctors at CHS Polyclinics are issuing referrals by name to specific Pvt. Empanelled Medical
In view of the above, it has been decided by the competent authority that henceforth no ECHS doctor will issue referrals by name to any Pvt. Empanelled, medical Facility. The ECHS doctors shall mention on the prescription the treatment, procedure/tests required by the ECHS beneficiary and then write as follows:
“Referred to any ECHS Empanelled Medical Facility located within the Area of Responsibility of Regional Centre, (Name of City).”
CO, ECHS and RC, ECHS will ensure that the list of Pvt. Empanelled
Medical Facilities along with the medical treatment procedures/tests for which they have been empanelled is prominently displayed on the website of ECHS, Regional Centre wise. OIC, of every Polyclinic, will be responsible for ensuring that hard copies of this list downloaded from ECHS website is kept in the Polyclinic in sufficient numbers and given to the ECHS beneficiary whenever demanded. If any change lakes place in this list, it shall be the responsibility of Director RC, ECHS concerned .o ensure display of the corrected/amended list on the website of ECHS without any delay.
5 Whenever an ECHS beneficiary approaches a Pvt. Empanelled Medical
Facility with such a referral from ECHS Polyclinic and the Pvt. Empanelled Medical Facility is not empanelled by Ministry of Defence (MoD) for the required treatment procedure / tests, it shall be the responsibility of the Pvt. Empanelled Medical Facility to inform the beneficiary that it is not empanelled for the required treatment procedure / tests. If any Pvt. Empanelled Medical Facility is found providing treatment procedure / conducting tests to such an ECHS beneficiary for which it is not empanelled, then apart from not reimbursing the expenses incurred by the Medical Facility on such treatment, action will be taken against the said ECHS Empanelled Pvt Medical Facility under the rules / as per the provisions of Memorandum of Agreement (MoA).
No ECHS Polyclinic Officer/Official/Doctor should indulge in any action force canvassing for/against any ECHS empanelled Pvt. Medical Facility.
7. The above orders shall come into force with immediate effect.
(A.K. Kern)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele fax: 23014946
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