CGHS package rates for the following investigations and their inclusion in CGHS rates list

Central Organisation, ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters
Ministry of Defence (Army)
Thimayya Marg, Near Gopinath
Circle, Delhi Cantt-110010
10 Jun 2020
IHQ of MoD (Navy)/Dir ECHS (N)
DAV Subroto Park
All HQ Command (A/ECHS)
AMA ECHS, Embassy of India, Nepal
All Regional Centres
1. Govt of India, Min of Health & Family Welfare vide their OM No S-11011/09/2019/ Addl. DDG(HQ)/ CGHS dated 03 Jun 2020 has notified CGHS package rates for the following investigations and their inclusion in CGHS rates list (copy attached) :-
Ser No. | Name of Investigations | Recommended Rates (in Rupees) |
(a) | Anti-smooth muscle antibody test(ASMA) | 1460/- |
(b) | C ANCA-IFA | 1,500/- |
(c) | p ANCA-IFA | 1,500/- |
(d) | ACE | 1,000/- |
(e) | EBUS(Endo Brachia! Ultrsound) – TBNA (Using New Needle) | 18,370/- |
(f) | ENA (Quantitative) | 4,600/- |
(g) | Chromogranine A | 5,000/- |
(h) | Fecal Calprotectin | 2,730/- |
(j) | C3-COMPLEMENT | 650/- |
(k) | C4-COMPLEMENT | 650/- |
(l) | Geneexpert test | 1,035/- |
(m) | DJ- stent removal | 8,700/- |
(n) | PFT / (spirometry with DLCO) | 500/- |
(o) | EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound) guided FNAC (Using New Needle) | 15,000/- |
(p) | CT Urography | 4,500/- |
(q) | Video Laryngoscopy | 6,000/- |
(r) | CT Angio-Neck vessels | 6,000/- |
(s) | H1 N1 (RT-PCR) | 1,084/- |
(t) | Erythropoietin level | 2 ,000/- |
(i) | Anti HEV lgM | 1,000/- |
(v) | anti HAV lgM | 750/- |
(w) | HbsAg quantitative | 650/- |
(x) | Typhidot lgM | 400/- |
(y) | Hepatitis S Core AntibodyHScAS level(Hepatitis S Core lgM antibody) | 480/- |
(z) | Anti Hbs | 650/- |
2. The rates for investigations from S No 1(a) to 1(z) are for NABL/ NABH accredited “COs. The rates for Non-NABL/ Non-NABH accredited HCOs shall be 15% less.
3. The revised rates mentioned in above be disseminated to the ECHS Polyclinics, Empanelled HCOs and to the SEMOs.
4. The rates would be applicable from the date of issue of this letter.
(Anupam N Adhaulia)
Dir (Med)
Source: ECHS
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