CCS LTC Rules 1988
No. 31011/ 3/ 2015-Estt.(A.IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment A-IV Desk
North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 04 February , 2021
Subject:- Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 Fulfillment of procedural requirements clarification reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to para (c) of this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 09.02.2017 on the subject noted above regarding reimbursement in cases where a Government servant travels on LTC up to the nearest airport/ railway station/ bus terminal by authorized mode of transport and undertakes rest of the journey to the declared place of visit by private transport/ own arrangement (such as a personal vehicle or private taxi etc.).
2. Para (c) of the aforesaid O.M. provides as under:
“(c) In case, there is no public transport available in a particular stretch of journey, the Government servant may be reimbursed as per his entitlement for journey on transfer for a maximum limit of 100 Kms covered by the private/ personal transport based on a self-certification from the Government servant. Beyond this, the expenditure shall be borne by the Government servant”.
3. With regard to the above provision, many references are received in this Department seeking following clarifications:-
(i) Whether the 100 Kms limit specified in DoPT’s O.M. No. 31011/3/ 2015-Estt.A-IV dated 09.02.2017 is for the whole journey (i.e. to and fro combined) or separately for onward and return journey, i.e. 100 Kms for onward and 100 Kms for return journey?
(ii) How assistance shall be provided in cases where various members of a family avail LTC separately and thus avail the facility of private taxi/ transport separately? Whether in such cases also reimbursement as above shall be provided individually to each family member?
4. The matter has been considered in this Department and it is clarified that the 100 Kms limit as prescribed in DoPT’s O.M. No. 31011/3/ 2015-Estt.A-IV dated 09.02.2017 is to be seen from one side. Hence, for the to and fro journey, the fare reimbursement shall be provided for a total of 200 Kms (100 Kms each side).
5. As regards the second situation described in para 3(ii) above, it is stated that in cases where members of the family avail LTC separately, they shall also be eligible for reimbursement of taxi fare/ private transport separately as per DoPT’s O.M. No. 31011/ 3/ 2015-Estt.A-IV dated 09.02.2017.
6. Hindi Version will follow.
(Satish Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

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