Calendar 2021 for Cadre Review of Pending Services
Latest DoPT Orders 2021
F.No. I.11019/9/ 2021-CRD
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Cadre Review Division
3th Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-03.
Dated, the 12th February 2021.
Sub: Calendar for Cadre Review of Central Group ‘A’ Services.
The undersigned is directed to say that the Department of Personnel & Training (DoP&T) is the nodal agency of the Government of India for personnel management policies. Cadre management and cadre review are primarily the concern of Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCAs) but the responsibility for laying down standards in the matter and co-ordination rests with DoP&T. Provisions governing the process of cadre review of Central Group ‘A Services were issued as consolidated guidelines vide Office Memorandum (OM) No. 1-17014/1/2005-CRB dated 14.12.2010 along with a Monograph. Under the said Guidelines, every cadre should be reviewed once in five years. The review should first be carried out by the CCA, preferably in consultation with the representative of the Service/cadre in question.
2. It has, however, been observed that despite repeated reminders and regular meeting with CCAs. the prescribed periodicity of cadre review is not followed. Prime reason for the delay being non-submission of cadre review proposal by the concerned COA With the objective to get one round of cadre review completed in 5 years for all the services, this Department had issued a calendar in year 2018 and 2019 for strict compliance. However, various CCAs citing one or other reason (which includes COVID pandemic) defaulted on the prescribed timeline laid down in the Calendars.
Calendar 2021 Government Holidays
3. A good number of cadre reviews have been undertaken in the last two years and some proposals are under various stages of review. Amongst the cases Under examination of DoP&T, few are pending for want of clarifications from CCA concerned i.e. Indian Skill Development Service and Medical Cadres of BSF/CRPFATEP. It would be appreciated if a reply/ clarification/ revised proposal (if needed) is provided to this Department within one month.
4, For the Services where reviews are pending, a Calendar for year 2021 is being circulated for strict compliance by CCAs (Annexure), The deadline month mentioned in the Calendar is the time by which the complete cadre review proposal should be submitted by the concerned CCAs to DoPT positively. There may be instances, where CCA do not require any change in cadre structure. in those cases also, the CCA may move the proposal for other changes, if required. If no changes are required at all, a certificate to this aspect may be sent to this Department with approval of Minister in charge. DoPT may, however, take its own view on the same.
5 It is well known that proposals Involving the creation of posts. restructuring, merger, encadrement, etc. resulting in a change of cadre strength of any Central Group A Service are required to be considered during cadre review. Any creation of posts in these Services is through cadre review or in consultation with DoPT and DoE (in exigencies), This was reiterated in OM No.-11049/17/2016-CRD dated 15.02.2017 to all CCAs (with a copy to DoE). Creation of posts and other measures outside cadre review, while cadre review is due, would not be supported and may result in freezing of the cadre strength for a specific period or even reduction.
6. There are Services which have been declared dying or where few posts are left. Status of such Services and pending issues may be brought to the notice of this Department immediately by concerned CCA but not tater than the month prescribed in the Calendar. These Services include Indian Supply Service, Indian Inspection Service. Indian Broadcasting Engineering Service, Indian Broadcasting Programme Service
7. There may be cases where due to court cases the submission of cadre review proposal is delayed or Orders of Count for conduct of cadre review, All such instances should be brought to the notice of this Department immediately with full details of the directions of the Court without waiting for time/month prescribed in the Calendar. It need not be emphasized that the CCA must ensure compliance of the Order of the Court for avoiding any complexities later.
8. CCA with Service pending for cadre review prior to January 2021 may submit the proposal earlier than the prescribed time/month in the Calendar. CCA with Service whose cadre review will be due in 2021 should start the preparation of the proposal to ensure timely submission by the prescribed month or even earlier.
9. A nodal officer (not below the rank of Joint Secretary) may be nominated by each CCA for matters related to cadre review and for ensuring compliance of the timeline given In the Calendar, Name of the nodal officer may be provided within one month to this Department.
10. For any clarification/guidance in submission/ finalisation of the proposal, the CCA may contact the undersigned (Tel: 24624893) or Under Secretary (Shri Randhir Kumar. Tel.24653977) posted in Cadre Review Division of DoPT.
11. This issues with the approval of Secretary (P),
(Dr. Harmit Singh Pahuja)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
OM No. I. 11019/9/2021 – CRD dated 12th February 2021
Calendar 2021 for Cadre Review of Pending Services

Source: DoPT
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