Leave Travel Concession Fare

Message No. 18/2020
Special cash package equivalent in lieu of Leave Travel Concession Fare for Armed Forces Personnel – Covid-19
1) Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 12647/LTC/2020-21/Mod C/229/D (Mod)/2020 dated 11.11.2020, conveying sanction of the Competent Authority for extending the provisions of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure E II (A) Branch, New Delhi OM F.No.12 (2)/2020-E II (A) dated 12/10/2020, (04/11/2020, 10/11/2020 & 25/11/2020) to the Armed Forces personnel and to allow reimbursement of cash package equivalent of Leave Travel Concession to the Armed Forces personnel comprising of Leave Encashment and deemed LTC fare of the entitled LTC in lieu of the LTC in the Block of 2020-21 has been received. Service personnel who have already availed LTC in the year 2020 can claim the above incentive till 31/03/2021 for the year 2021 against their due LTC. This order is effective from 12/10/2020.
2) Officers desiring to avail advance for Special cash package equivalent in lieu of Leave Travel Concession Fare may submit their claims online through a facility made available on PCDA (O) Website.
3) Officers who are not having User ID credentials on PCDA (O) Website, may forward the claim manually in the format at Annexure ‘A’. “Advance for CASH LTC” should be clearly mentioned on the top of the forwarding letter of the claim.
4) Officers are required to spend the amount under this package as per the conditions mentioned in the Govt. letters i.e purchase of Goods or Services with GST 12% or more and digital payment for the same, cited above, before 31 March 2021.
5) Last date of submission of Final claims duly preferred on contingent bill along with original invoices will be 31.03.2021.
6) Officers who are retiring before 31.03.2021 should submit their vouchers/ bills well in advance so as to settle the final adjustment claims before the date of superannuation.
7) Amount not spent by 31/03/2021 is recoverable along with Penal Interest as per provisions of LTC advance.
8) Final adjustment claim of officers for reimbursement of cash package equivalent of Leave Travel Concession may forward in the format at Annexure ‘B’.
Source: PCDA
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