Latest DoPT Orders 2021 – DoPT CSS
No. T-250 I 7/1 /2015- Trg (ISTM Section)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances, and pensions
Department of Personnel & training
(Training Division)
Old JNU Campus, block-IV, 3rd Floor,
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110067
Dated: 30th June,202l
Subject: Amendment in the Training Policy for Central Secretariat Service (CSS) in respect of Cadre Training Plan (CTP) of Assistant Section Officers (probationers) regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even no. dated 04.07.2016 and CS-I Division’s O.M. No. 8/ll/2019-CS-I(T) dated 01.02.2020 regarding Training Policy in respect of cadre Training plan (CRP) for the officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Central Secretariat Stenographer’s Service (CSSS)
- In the background ofmoving to competency-based training, as mandated originally in National Training Policy (NTP), 2012 and later instifutionalized in Mission Kormayogi, a committee was constituted with the approval of Secretary (p) on 20.07.2020 under the chairmanship of Shri S.D. Sharma, Joint Secretary (Training), Dopt to study and identify the competencies expected from the directly recruited Assistant Section officers (ASOs) of CSS and accordingly, suggest a restructured training programme for ASo (probationers). The Report submitted by the committee on restructuring of Foundation Training programme for Assistant Section officers (Probationers) has since been accepted by the competent Authority. The competent Authority has also approved amendment/ modification in the existing Foundation Training Programme for Assistant Section officers (probationers) of Central Secretariat Service (CSS).
- As per the approval, the existing 12 weeks, Foundation Training programme for Assistant Section officers (Probationers) has been re-designed into 108 weeks training programme. However, out of the 108 weeks, class room/ full time engagement wiu only be for l6 weeks. During remaining duration of training, participant engagement (online) will be for two hours a week, while the officers continue to work in the respective Ministries/ Departments. The confirmation of ASo Probationers in the Grade will be subject to successful completion of the Foundation Training Programme with mandatory acquisition of prescribed behavioural, functional and domain competencies. Broad components of the programme are as follows:-
(i) Pre-Foundation Course – 04 Weeks
(ii) ISTM Phase -01 – 12 Weeks
(iii) On-The-Job Training-01 – 42 Weeks
(iv) ISTM Phase-02 – 04 Weeks
(v) On-The-Job Training-02 – 46 Weeks
- Detailed guidelines for implementation of the training programme, including the support required from the Ministries/ Departments will be communicated by CS Division, DoP&T and ISTM separately.
- All other terms and conditions will remain the same.
- This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Syed Imran Ahmed)
Deputy Secretary to the Go!t. of India
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