Latest DoPT Orders 2021
No.59/02/2019- 20/CCSCSB
Dated – 13.08.2021
The Chief Secretaries of all States/ UTs and,
Secretary, General Administration Departments of all States/UTs
Sub: All India Civil Services Music and Dance Competition 2020-21.
On the occasion of 75 years of independence of India, Government of India is celebrating Azadi ka Amrit Mahostay. The objective of the Mahostav is to enhance interaction and promote mutual understanding between people of different States and Union Territories by conducting activities in the field of language and culture.
- To commemorate the glorious history of Indian people and culture, Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board (CCSCSB) is organizing first All India Civil Services Music & Dance Competition 2020-21 in Delhi from 15 September to 17th September 2021. Details of the Tournaments are as under:
S.N | Game/Event | Dates | Team | Composition | Venue |
1 | AICS Music and Dance | 15.09.2021 to 17.09.2021 | Men/Women Manager Total | 28 1 29 | Civil Services Officers Institute (CSoI) Auditorium, Vinay Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi |
- Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Department of Sports, vide letter dated 6th April, 2021, have given one time relaxation of six months to conduct National Championships for the year 2020-21 till 30.9.2021. Accordingly, AICS Music and Dance of the previous year i.e. 2020-2 1 is being held on the above dates. However, the eligibility criteria for participation of players in the Competition shall remain unchanged.
- A copy of the updated rules for All India Civil Services Music and Dance Competition indicating eligibility criteria, composition of Team, Rules of games etc is at Annexure-II.
- Each participating team may present either a song or dance on the theme of ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ during the competition. However, the same will not be evaluated for the purpose of team championship or first, second and third prize.
- The Central Government Employees participating in the AICS Music and Dance Competition shall be treated as ‘on duty’ as perO.MNo.6/2/2019-Estt (Pay-I) dated February, 2020.
- The entries may be sent in the prescribed Proforma (Annexure-I) directly to the Secretary CCSCSB, Room No.36 1, C-Wing, 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi -110003 or through email [email protected] or before 101h September, 2021. It is requested to ensure that the entries are submitted within prescribed time limit. Only one entry from a State/RSB will be accepted.
- An individual may participate in two Solos and in one Group or vice versa.
- In case of AICS Competitions for cultural disciplines (Music & Dance etc), Professionals and hired artists/Govt Servants employed as artists, instrumentalists and teachers of cultural disciplines are not eligible to participate.
- List of participants along with photocopy of their Identity Card should be authenticated by the authorized officer under his/her signature & seal.
- All the participants shall carry individual Identity Card/Identity Slip for verification of eligibility criteria by the Organizing Committee/Representatives of the Board at the venue of the All India Civil Services Competition.
- Addresses, Telephone Numbers, E-mail Addresses may be indicated by the participating States/UTs/RSBs.
- Managers’ meeting will be held one day before the date of commencement of the Competition.
- Every participating team may bring two flags representing their State/UT/ Regional Sports Board with them.
- Every member of the team shall report at the venue and participate in the competition as scheduled. Failure to do so shall be treated as an act of indiscipline. All the participants shall maintain strict discipline on and off the venue of the competition. Any act of indiscipline/ misbehavior/ misconduct will attract the provision of CCS (Conduct) Rules since
Government Employees are treated ‘ON DUTY’ during All India Civil Services Competition as per O.M. No. 6/2/20 19-Estt (Pay-I) dated 11.2.2020. - Any information regarding change in dates/venue/cancellation etc. about the AICS Competition will be available at https://dopt. uov.in/about-us/wings-or-division-in-dopt/welfaredivisions. All the participating teams are, therefore, requested to check the DoPT website from time to time for any possible change before starting their journey.
- The general instructions as per SOP/Guidelines of COVID-19 issued by Central/State Govt., are to be strictly followed by all artists and supporting staff during the competition are at Annexure-III. If it is found that the general instructions are not followed by any artist/official in the tournament he/she shall be liable to be debarred from the tournament.
- A Screening Check List for COVID-19 (Annexure IV) is mandatory to fill up daily at venue during the entire period of tournament.
- The following categories of employees are NOT eligible for participation in AICS Tournaments: –
(a) Uniformed personnel in Defence Services/Para Military Organizations/Central Police Organisationl Police/ RPF/ CISF/ BSF/ ITBP/ NSG etc.
(b) Employees of Autonomous bodies/undertaking/ Public Sector Banks even though
administratively controlled by the Central Ministries/ State Governments.
(c) Casual / Daily wages workers.
(d) Employees attached to offices on temporary duty.
(e) A newly recruited employee who has put in less than 6 months regular service. - The decision of Judges shall be final and binding on the competing teams/participants and no representation will be entertained from any quarter in this regard.
- Participants are requested to make their own arrangement of accommodation and transport.
- Name and designation of the contact officer:-
SN | Name & Designation | Contact Number |
1 | Shri Kulbhushan Malhotra Secretary, CCSCSB | Telefax No-011-24646961 Email: doptsportsgmai1.com |
2 | Shri Pradeep Kumar Khanna Convenor, CCSCSB (Music, Dance and Drama) | Mobile: 9871021440, 9871001440 |
3 | Shri Sandeep Aswal Games Supervisor | Mobile 7838915561, 8368892518 |
Yours sincerely,
(Kulbhushan Malhotra)
Secretary (CCSCSB)
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