It has to be ensured that 50 percent of officers (below the level of Dy. Secretary) and 50 percent of staff attend office on every alternate day.
F. No. A-65061(55)/9/2020-Admin-CGA-Part(1)/ 101
Government of India
Department of Expenditure
Office of Controller General of Accounts ‘
Room No. 203, 2nd Floor, Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
Block-E, G.P.O. Complex, I.N.A., New Delhi-110023
Dated: 05.06.2020
Reference is invited to the Guidelines issued by MIIA to prevent Covid-19 dated 15.04.2020, guideline issued by office of CGA dated 17.04.2020. guideline issued by Dopt dated 19.03.2020 and also the guidelines vide DoP’T OM No.11013/9/2014-Estt.A. III dated 18.05.2020.
All the verticals of O/o CGA. PFMS (Headquarters and State Directorates), INGA and CPAO are requested to revisit the rosters made for presence of staff in the office. It has to be ensured that 50 percent of officers (below the level of Dy. Secretary) and 50 percent of staff attend office on every alternate day. Leave may be sanctioned to those staff members who may not be in position to attend office during this period.
Also check: Maintain 33 percent of employees attendance, roaster & work from home – Central Govt Employees
The roasters prepared and details of leave sanctioned may kindly be forwarded to the undersigned for official records.
(Narinder Pal Singh) .
Assistant Controller General of Accounts (Admn.)
- All Jt. CGAs in O/o CGA /PEMS (Headquarters and State Directorates). Chief
Controller ( Pension). Director. INGAI., New Delhi. - Sr. AO (ITD) for uploading on Office of CGA’s website.
- Guard file
For information to:
PS to Addl CGA, HR&O
![INGA and CPAO are requested to revisit the rosters made for presence of staff in the office](
Source: CGA
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