Dated: 23.09.2016
Circular No. 10/09/16-(II)
Subject: Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2016.
Central Vigilance Commission had through its circular of even number dated. 19.09.2016 issued instructions for observance of Vigilance Awareness Week ,this year, from 31 st October to 5th November, 2016. The theme for the Week is Public participation in promoting Integrity and eradicating Corruption.
2. In addition to the activities suggested by the Commission to be conducted within the organisations as well as the outreach activities for public/citizens, in line with the theme this year, to create greater awareness and participation of the public at large, the Commission has envisaged a concept of “Integrity Pledge“. As such
two Integrity Pledges have been envisaged enlisting support and commitment of the citizens and the other for corporates/entities/firms etc., especially in the private sector to prevent and combat corruption.
3. Both, the “Integrity Pledges” to be taken by individual citizens as well as corporates, entities, firms etc., affirming their commitment to eradicate corruption (and to uphold highest standards of ethical conduct, transparency and good governance would be available as an e-pledge on the Commission’s website
http://www.cvc.nic.in. All Ministries/Departments/Organisations may also provide a hyperlink to the Integrity Pledges on their respective websites/intranet to enable wider participation. Citizens and organisations taking the Integrity Pledge would be “provided a certificate acknowledging and appreciating their commitment to the cause of anti-corruption. Copies of both the Integrity Pledges” are enclosed.
4. The Commission requests all Ministries / Departments /Organisations to disseminate and publicise this initiative to elicit wider participation of all stakeholders and also to encourage their customers/public and corporates / entities/firms, etc., to take the Integrity Pledge.
5. This notification is also available on the Commission’s website at http://www.cvc.nic.in.
(Nilam Sawhney)
End: As stated.
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