7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation in the Revised Pay Structure, 2016 on promotion as Accounts Officer consequent to grant of NFU to Assistant Accounts Officers (CCAS)
No. A-60015/1/2018/MF, CGA(A)/NGE/159
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Maholekho Niyantrak Bhawan
E Block, GPO Complex, INA
New Delhi- 110023
Dated, the 9th October, 2019
Sub: Fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Structure, 2016 on promotion as Accounts Officer consequent to grant of NFU to Assistant Account Officers (CCAS).
The references have been received in this office seeking clarification whether the AAOs who have been granted NFU in the Pay Level 9 in terms of this office O.M. No, A-60015/1/2018/ MF, CGA(A)/ NGE/7th CPC/238 dated 4th July, 2018, are eligible for benefit of fixation of pay on promotion as Accounts Officer, The matter was taken up with the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance accordingly.
Also check: 7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation : 7th CPC Pay Fixation with examples
The Department of Expenditure vide, I.D. No, 02-01/2018-E,IIIA dated 09.09.2019 has viewed that the benefit of fixation of pay under Rule 13 at CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016, if availed at the time of NFU, the same should be offset at the time of promotion in the same level in order to avoid double fixation benefits. As such the AAOs (CCAS) who have been granted NFU in Pay Level 9 and availed benefit of fixation of pay under Rule 13 of
the CCS (RP) Rules 2016, are not eligible for grant of same benefit on promotion as Account Officer in the same Level i.e. Pay Level 9.
All respective accounting units of Ministries/ Departments concerned are advised to revival such cases in the light of clarification as mentioned in Para 2 above.
Also check: 7th CPC Pay Fixation Method for all Central Government Employees with Illustration
This issues with approval of the competent authority.
Sr. Accounts Officer (NGE)

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