7th CPC Risk and Hardship Allowance for Track Maintainers working in Constructions Organization

No.IV/NFIR/7 CPC(Imp)/2016/Allowance/Part II
Dated: 20/11/2019
The Member Engineering,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
The Member Staff
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Recommendations of 7th CPC – Payment of Risk & Hardship Allowance for Track Maintainers working in Constructions Organization – reg.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter No.PC VIII/2017/ 1/7/5/4 dated 10/08/2017 (RBE No. 87/2017).
(ii) Railway Board’s clarification issued to GM (P), E.C. Railway vide letter No.PC VII/ 2017/1/7/5/4 dated 25/10/2018.
(iii) GS/NFIR’ s letter No. IV/NFIR/7 CPC(Imp)/2016/ Allowance/ Part II dated 24/12/2018 to the Secretary (E), Railway Board and sent to AM(CE) & EDPC-II, Railway Board.
While enclosing copy of NFIR’s letter No.IV/NFIR/ 7 CPC (Imp)/2016/Allowance/Part II dated 24/12/2018 on the subject, the Federation expresses its disappointment over continued denial of Risk & Hardship Allowance to the Track Maintainers working in Construction Organizations on Indian Railways. The Federation in its letter dated 24/12/2018 had elaborately explained the merits, justifying payment of Risk & Hardship Allowance to the Track Maintainers of Construction Organizations also. Sadly, due to Railway Board’s clarification issued to the General Manager (P), E.C. Railway vide letter dated 25th October, 2018, the payment of Risk and Hardship Allowance to the Construction Organizations Track Maintainers has been denied and wherever paid for the previous period, the same is being recovered.
Though nearly ten months passed from the date of letter of Federation, there has been no reply indicating action taken on this issue. This has compelled the Federation to seek intervention of Railway Board (ME & MS) for reviewing the case and allowing payment of Risk and Hardship Allowance to the Track Maintainers working in the Construction Organizations.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board (ME & MS) to kindly consider the matter objectively and accord approval for payment of Risk & Hardship Allowance to those Track Maintainers working in Construction Organizations over Indian Railways. It may kindly be appreciated that this issue deserves to be settled immediately without waiting for the report of EDs Committee in view of the merits involved for payment.
DA/As above
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
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