11th Pay Revision Commission Kerala
Revision of Pay & Allowances and allied matters of State Government employees and Teachers – Recommendations of 11th Pay Revision Commission
Government Order on the Recommendations of the Eleventh Pay Revision Commission on Revision of Pay and Allowances of State Government Employees and Teachers
G.O.(P)No.27 / 2021 / Fin dated 10/02/2021
Revision of pay & allowances and allied matters of State Government employees and Teachers -Recommendations of XI Pay Revision Commission – Implementation – Orders issued
G.O.(P) No. 27/2021/Fin
Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 10/02/2021
Read: 1. G.O.(Ms) No.414/2019/Fin dated 06.11.2019.
2. G.O.(P) No.07/2016/Fin dated 20.01.2016.
Government had revised the pay and allowances of State Government employees and teachers w.e.f from 01.07.2014 by the G.O read as 2nd above based on the recommendations of the X Pay Revision Commission. Government by the GO 1st cited have now appointed the XI Pay Revision Commission with Shri.K.Mohandas IAS (Rtd) as Chairman, Prof.(Retd) M.K.Sukumaran Nair and Adv.Ashok Mamen Cherian as members in order to study and make recommendations on further revision of pay and allowance of Government employees and Teachers with the following Terms of Reference:
(i) To suggest modifications, if found necessary, for the pay and allowances of
- (a) Posts under Government Service, including Part-time Contingent Service and Casual Sweepers
- (b) Posts under Education Institutions of the Government, Aided Schools and Colleges and also such institutions covered by Direct Payment Scheme, including employees in Part-time posts and Casual Sweepers and excluding those posts covered by UGC/ AICTE schemes of Scales of Pay and also posts for which, Central Scale of Pay have already been allowed such as Teaching Staff in Medical Colleges and Judicial Officers etc. and
- (c) Posts under Local Bodies and Universities except those covered by AICTE/ UGC / Central Schemes.
(ii) To examine the present structure of Pay and Allowances and Other Emoluments and Service conditions including, promotional avenues and fringe benefits available to the above categories of employees and suggest changes, if any required.
(iii) The commission shall also examine the scope of introducing non-cadre promotion to various categories of both gazetted and non- gazetted posts who continue in the entry cadres for long periods of service.
(iv) To examine and suggest changes, if any, to the benefits available to Service Pensioners.
(v) To consider the scope of extending the benefits which are available to Central Government employees at present, but not available to the State Government employees.
(vi) To look into the cases of anomalies in the last Pay Revision specifically referred to the commission by Government and suggest remedial measures
(vii) To examine the present Civil Service set up as a whole and make suggestions to increase efficiency, social accountability and making Civil Service more people friendly
(viii) To consider the need for a gender sensitive service structure especially multifaceted issues faced by women employees and make suggestions for remedial measures
(ix) To review the existing rules and procedures for fixation of pay and suggest methods for simplification thereof with a view to reduce cost and time spent on such exercises
(x) To assess and indicate the additional financial commitment on account of implementation of its recommendations, including the methodology / assumptions adopted for such assessment
Kerala Government employees Pay Commission: Minimum Basic Salary Rs. 23000
2. The Commission has submitted its Report Part I on recommendations regarding revision of pay & allowances, leave and pension on 29.01.2021. The Government have examined the Report in detail and are pleased to issue the following Orders.
Revised scale of pay and allowances
3. The existing scales of pay of employees will be revised with effect from 01.07.2019 with the scales of pay as shown in the Annexure I. The revised scales of pay of different categories of posts in various departments will be as shown in Annexure X. The specific allowances applicable to employees working in various departments will be as provided under the schedules of posts of various departments. The scales of pay applicable to posts which are common to various departments will be as provided under Annexure XI and allowances applicable to such posts will be as provided under the schedule of Common Category.
4. The revision of pay from existing pay to revised pay will be in accordance with the Table for Stage to Stage fixation of pay as provided in Annexure III except in cases where the minimum of the scale of pay of the post held by an incumbent is higher than the corresponding pay stage provided in Annexure X/ XI. The Rules of Fixation of pay in the revised scales will be as provided in Annexure II. Ratio/Percentage based Grade Promotions
5. The existing and the modified ratio/percentage based grade promotions to various categories of posts are indicated at the appropriate places under Department schedule of posts/ Common Category in Annexure X / XI. The asterisks assigned to each category will refer to the benefit specified in the footnote at the end of each schedule of posts and allowances. No ratio promotion/ percentage based higher grade will be available to any category of posts unless it is mentioned in this order. The modified ratio promotion/ percentage based grade will have effect from 01.04.2021.
Time Bound Higher Grade Scheme
6. The existing time span of 8,15,22 and 27 years for allowing Time Bound Higher Grade (TBHG) promotions will continue. The categories coming under the entry level scale of pay of Rs.23000-50200 to Rs.27900-63700 will be eligible for four TBHGs, the categories coming under the entry level scale of pay Rs.31100-66800 to Rs.39300-83000 will be eligible for three TBHGs, the categories coming under the entry level scale of pay Rs.41300-87000 to Rs.56500-118100 will be eligible for two TBHGs and the categories coming under the entry level scale of pay Rs.59300- 120900 to Rs.85000-143600 will be eligible for one TBHG, subject to the conditions provided in the scheme of Time Bound Higher Grade promotion. The revised rules for allowing Time Bound Higher Grades will be as incorporated in Annexure VI of this order. The revised Time Bound Higher Grade scheme will have effect from 01.04.2021.
Career Advancement Scheme
7. Detailed orders on revised Career Advancement Scheme will be issued separately. For category of posts included under existing Career Advancement Scheme, the revised scale of pay will be the corresponding scale of pay as provided in Annexure I. In the case of doctors in Health Services and Insurance Medical Services departments enjoying scales of pay assigned under the existing Time Bound Higher Grade scheme, revised scales of pay will be the corresponding scale of pay of the existing scale as provided in Annexure I.
Stagnation Increment
8. The existing scheme of Stagnation Increment will continue. Maximum number of Stagnation Increments allowed will be five, out of which four will be annual and fifth one biennial, subject to the condition that maximum basic pay after adding Stagnation Increment shall not exceed Rs.166800, the maximum of the master scale. The number of Stagnation Increments availed in the existing scale of pay will be reckoned for determining maximum number of Stagnation Increments.
Residuary Pay
9. The existing Residuary Pay will be updated and allowed to continue in the revised scales according to the rules provided in the Rules of Fixation of Pay incorporated in Annexure II of this order. Residuary Pay will not be counted for any purpose viz, fixation of pay, leave salary, pension, family pension, DCRG, drawl of allowance or transit pay. However Dearness allowance will be admissible on Residuary Pay.
10. Doctors in Health Services department whose pay in the revised scale is fixed at the maximum of the revised master scale, on or after 01.07.2019, will be allowed Residuary Pay equal to the rate of last increment in the master scale on completion of every two years of service after reaching the maximum pay in the revised master scale. Such residuary pay will be allowed subject to the condition that maximum number of such increments as Residuary Pay shall not exceed five. The service for this purpose will be the service qualifying for accrual of normal increments.
Dearness Allowance
11. The revised scale of pay has been formulated after merging the full Dearness Allowance of 28% as on 01.07.2019 with the basic pay i.e., 306.1 points of All India Consumer Price Index (Industrial workers) (2001=100) has been neutralized and 306.1 points of AICPI (IW) shall be taken as the base index for calculating further DA with effect from 01.07.2019. Therefore the new formula for calculation of further DA is as follows:
% of DA = {(Average AICPI for past 12 months – 306.1)/306.1} x 100
Accordingly the rates of Dearness Allowance admissible with effect from 01.07.2019 will be as follows.
Date | Rate of DA (%) | Total DA (%) |
01.07.2019 | 0 | 0 |
01.01.2020 | 4 | 4 |
01.07.2020 | 3 | 7 |
These rates of dearness allowance can be allowed to grant-in-aid institutions, PSUs, Boards etc only if the date of pay revision of such institutions are on 1.7.2019 and merged portion of DA in the pay shall be 28% (equivalent to 306.1 points (2001=100)
House Rent Allowance
12. The existing system of fixed amount of HRA on the basis of different pay ranges will be dispensed with. Instead the rate of HRA will be as percentage of basic pay. For the purpose of HRA, the total area of the State is divided into following four Classes:
(1) Class A: The Corporation limits of the cities of Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kochi, Thrissur, Kozhikode and Kannur. In addition, Forest Complex, Mathottam, Kozhikode and Government Institutions situated within a radius of 3 kilometres from Civil Station, Kakkanad.
(2) Class B: The Municipalities at District Headquarters.
(3) Class C: All Municipalities other than those at District Headquarters.
(4) Class D: All Panchayaths
The rate of HRA with minimum and maximum amounts are as follows:
Class | Rate (% of Basic Pay) | Minimum Amount (Rs.) | Maximum Amount (Rs.) |
A | 10% | 2300 | 10000 |
B | 8% | 2000 | 8000 |
C | 6% | 1500 | 6000 |
D | 4% | 1200 | 4000 |
A) An employee working within 1 km from corporation limits and was drawing HRA at corporation rates will be assured 10% hike in the existing amount of HRA or the new rate applicable to their places whichever is higher.
B) The State Govt. employees working in New Delhi and other States will be eligible for House Rent Allowance at Govt. of India rates as applicable at those places.
13. For the purpose of HRA, basic pay as on the 1st day of the month only will be reckoned, and change in pay in the middle of a month will not be considered. Employees who are not under state pay pattern but are drawing HRA at the rates applicable for State Government Employees, will also draw HRA at the above rates.
14. Revised rates of HRA have effect from 01.03.2021.
Rent Recovery
15. Rent at the following rates will be recovered from Government employees residing in Government quarters with effect from 01.03.2021.
Range | Rate |
Those who are in the scale of pay up to 45600- 95600 | No Recovery |
Those who are in the scale of pay of and above 50200- 105300 | 2% of basic pay |
In the case of employees who do not come under the State Government scales of pay (e.g. All India Service Officers, those on UGC/ AICTE/ NJPC scale), rent recovery will be 2% of Basic Pay with effect from 01.03.2021.
16. Employees who are allotted quarters and Policemen / Women Police attached to Battalions shall not be eligible for HRA.
City Compensatory Allowance
17. City Compensatory Allowance sanctioned in G.O. read as second paper will be discontinued with effect from 01.03.2021.
Spectacle Allowance
18. Amount of Rs.1500 once in five years will be allowed as reimbursement of the cost incurred for the purchase of spectacles. No employees will be allowed this allowance unless completed five years after getting this reimbursement by virtue of the provisions in the G.O. read as second paper above.
Hill Tract Allowance
19. The rate of Hill Tract Allowance admissible to employees under different pay ranges will be as shown below.
Pay range | Rate per month (Rs.) |
Rs.43400 & above | 500 |
Above Rs.25100 and below Rs.43400 | 450 |
Upto Rs.25100 | 300 |
Special Allowance to differently abled employees
20. The rate of Special Allowance admissible to differently abled employees is revised to Rs.1100 per month. The existing conditions for sanctioning the allowance will continue.
Education Allowance to the Parents having differently abled children
21. The rate of Education Allowance admissible to employees having mentally / physically challenged children studying in general schools and special schools will be revised to Rs.1000 per month. The existing conditions for the admissibility of this allowance will continue.
Child Care Allowance
22. The rate of allowance will be revised to Rs.1750 per month per child and the annual ceiling will be Rs.21000. The existing conditions as laid down in G.O (P)No. 172/ 2013/ (150) / Fin dated 16.04.2013, G.O(P) No.360 / 13(171) / Fin dated 24.07.2013 and G.O (P) No.110 / 2016/ (15) / Fin dated 30.07.2016 for the admissibility of the allowance will continue.
Charge Allowance
23. The existing rate of Charge Allowance for holding full additional charge is 4% of the minimum of the scale of pay attached to the additional post and that for discharging current duties is 2% of the minimum of the scale of pay of additional post. The existing rates and conditions will continue in the revised scales.
Other Allowances
24. Other Allowances include Special Allowances, Compensatory Allowance, Risk Allowance, Non-practising Allowance, Additional Special Allowances, Permanent Travelling Allowance, and Permanent Conveyance Allowance. The Categories of employees eligible for these allowances along with rates of allowances are provided under the schedule of posts of various departments in the Annexure X / XI. The allowances which are not specifically included under either department schedule or common category (Annexure X / XI) will be treated as withdrawn.
Read More: Existing and Revised Scales of Pay Table
25. Different types of Additional Special Allowances to uniformed forces viz, Smartness Allowance, Ration Money Allowance, Feeding Charges, Water & Electricity Charges and Battalion Allowance sanctioned in G.O. read as second paper above are subsumed into single allowance by the names Police Special Allowance, Fire Service Special Allowance, Prison Special Allowance, and Forest Special Allowance as the case may be and the revised rate of these allowances will be inclusive of the subsumed allowances.
26. Government have issued detailed instructions in Circular No.38/ 2017/ Fin dated 23.05.2017 for the sanction of Uniform Allowance and wearing of Uniforms. In spite of these instructions, it is seen that there are several categories of staff who draw the allowance but do not wear uniform. It is reiterated for enforcing the directions laid down in Circular dated 23.05.2017 and controlling officers should ensure that employees who do not default in wearing uniform during duty time only are paid Uniform Allowance.
Travelling Allowance
27. (1) Classification of Officers:- For the purpose of Travelling Allowance, officers are classified into following four grades.
Grade I | All Officers who draw an actual basic pay of Rs.70000 and above and Heads of Departments, Private Secretary to Ministers and All India Service Officers irrespective of the Pay drawn by them. |
Grade II (a) | Officers with actual basic pay of Rs.59300 and above, but below Rs.70000 |
Grade II (b) | Officers with actual basic pay of Rs.39300 and above, but below Rs.59300. Non gazetted Officers, other Last Grade Servants when they accompany the Governor and Ministers will be treated as Grade II (b) |
Grade III | Officers with actual basic pay of Rs.25100 and above, but below Rs.39300 |
Grade IV | Officers with actual basic pay below Rs.25100 |
Note: For this purpose, basic pay includes Personal Pay.
(2) Class of travel:- The eligible class of travel by train for each grade will be as follows.
Grades | Eligible class |
Grade I | II AC |
Grade II (a) | I Class. If the train does not have I Class, II AC. |
Grade II (b) | III AC. If the train does not have III AC, I Class. |
Grade III | II Class |
Grade IV | II Class |
(3) Air Journey:– The employees who are in the scale of pay Rs.77200 – 140500 will be eligible for flight journey. However any employee can travel by air for official purposes provided that Travelling Allowance at the rate sanctioned for their eligible class of travel by train will be allowed for such journeys subject to the production of flight ticket and boarding pass and flight ticket will be considered in place of train tickets for admitting TA claim. This facility is restricted for journey of the officer only. Under Secretary to Government will be eligible for flight journey for official journey to New Delhi.
(4) Mileage Allowance:- Mileage Allowance for road journey will be Rs.2.5 per kilometre for all grades of officers.
(5) Incidental Expenses (Road / Rail/ Air journeys):– The revised rates of Incidental Expenses for Road/ Rail/ Air journey will be as follows:
Grades | Road / Rail Rate in paisa per km | Air Rate per journey |
Grade I | 90 | Limited to 1 Daily Allowance |
Grade II (a) | 70 | |
Grade II (b) | 60 | |
Grade III | 60 | |
Grade IV | 60 |
(6) Daily Allowance:-The revised rates of Daily Allowance for different grades of employees will be as follows:
Grades | Inside State Rate (Rs.) | Outside State Rate (Rs.) |
Grade I | 600 | 750 |
Grade II (a) | 500 | 650 |
Grade II (b) | 500 | 650 |
Grade III | 350 | 500 |
Grade IV | 350 | 500 |
(7) Classification of Government Officials for carrying personal effects on transfer:– The classification of government officials for the purpose of carrying personal effects on transfer will be as follows:
Category of Officers | Weight (kg) |
Officers whose actual basic pay is Rs. 70000 and above | 3000 |
Officers whose actual pay is Rs. 39300 and above but below Rs. 70000 | 2000 |
All other Officers | 1500 |
(8) Loading and unloading charges for journeys on transfer: The revised loading and unloading charges admissible to different grades of officers for journeys on transfer will be as follows:
Grades | Rate (Rs. ) |
Grade I | 900 at each end |
Grade II (a) | 500 at each end |
Grade II (b) | 500 at each end |
Grade III | 450 at each end |
Grade IV | 450 each end |
(9) Reimbursement of room rent:- The revised rates of reimbursement of room rent admissible to Officers for stay outside the State subject to the production of voucher are given below:
Grades | New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai Rate (Rs. ) | Other Cities / Towns outside State Rate ( Rs. ) |
Grade I | 3000 | 2500 |
Grade II (a) | 3000 | 2500 |
Grade II (b) | 2500 | 1500 |
Grade III | 2500 | 1500 |
Grade IV | 1500 | 1200 |
(10) Taxi fare for Grade I Officials:- Grade I Officials travelling to metropolitan cities and other larger cities are allowed to hire taxies as in the case of Government of India Officials. They are entitled to taxi fare at the rates fixed by Government from time to time for journeys on tour from residence to airport/ railway station/ bus stand and back. The existing status will be continued.
(11) Auto Rickshaw / Taxi fare for journeys on tour:- Auto rickshaw/ Taxi fare at the rate fixed by the Government from time to time will be allowed. Maximum number of such journeys allowed a day will be two (plus one journey per tour from residence to airport/ railway station/ bus stand and one journey from airport/ railway station/ bus stand to residence) limiting the maximum distance of a single journey as 15 kilometres as per the rate fixed by government from time to time.
(12) TA Ceiling:- The existing rates of monthly/ quarterly TA ceiling will continue until Government issue orders enhancing the same.
28. Revised rates of Travelling Allowances will have effect from 01.03.2021.
Medical Benefits
29. The existing scheme of Medical Reimbursement in the state will continue, until implementation of Medical Insurance Scheme.
Surrender of Earned Leave
30. The existing system of surrender of Earned Leave for 30 days in a financial year will continue.
Leave Travel Concession
31. The existing scheme will continue.
Part-Time Contingent Employees
32 (1) The existing scales of pay of various categories of Part Time Contingent Employees including Patient employees in Health Services department are revised as follows with effect from 01.07.2019.
11th Pay Revision Commission Report PDF Download – Click Here