11th Bipartite Revised Pay Scale
Revised Scales of Pay Clerical Staff and Subordinate Staff w.e.f 1st Nov, 2017: 11th BI-Partite Settlement Dtd. 11 Nov 2020
In modification of Clause 4 of Bipartite Settlement dated 25th May, 2015, with effect from 1st November, 2017 the scales of pay shall be as under:
Clerical Staff
17900 | 1000 | 20900 | 1230 | 24590 | 1490 | 30550 | 1730 |
17900 | 3 | 20900 | 3 | 24590 | 4 | 30550 | 7 |
42660 | 3270 | 45930 | 1990 | 47920 | (20years) | (20years) | (20years) |
42660 | 1 | 45930 | 1 | 47920 | (20years) | (20years) | (20years) |
Subordinate Staff
14500 | 500 | 16500 | 615 | 19575 | 740 | 22535 | 870 |
14500 | 4 | 16500 | 5 | 19575 | 4 | 22535 | 73 |
25145 | 1000 | 28145 | (20years) | (20years) | (20years) | (20years) | (20years) |
25145 | 3 | 28145 | (20years) | (20years) | (20years) | (20years) | (20years) |
- Fitment in the new scales of pay shall be on a stage-to-stage
- There shall be no change in the dates of annual increments because of the
- In the case of Ex-servicemen category employees who have joined the Banks on and after 1st November, 2017 up to the date of this Settlement, the fixation/ fitment in the pay scales already given/ eligible to be given under the Settlement dated 25th May, 2015 shall be refixed as per the provisions of this
- All employees belonging to sub-ordinate cadre shall be eligible for one extra increment for passing JAIIB and two increments for passing CAIIB examination w.e.f 1.11.2017
Meeting at IBA Committee – signing the 11th Bipartite Settlement

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